

Editor - 20 Years of Experience - Near 11762



Education Level:


Will Relocate:



I want to put my editorial experience to good use in a leadership position in a forward-thinking setting. I have proven myself to be a strong editorial mover and shaker and am hoping to gain employment with a company that will benefit from my experience and passion. I am fully computer literate, and can create content in both the print and the online digital environment. CAREER POSITION EXCHANGE AND COMMISSARY NEWS Associate Editor/Writer (March 1996 - October 2019) * Worked as a writer/editor of news and feature articles pertaining to the military resale industry - commissaries (military supermarkets) and exchanges (military department stores) - and other military-related retail outlets for Exchange and Commissary News, the flagship publication of Executive Business Media (EBM) and the world's leading trade magazine on this industry. A publication which is read by military resale executives on a worldwide basis. * Created informative articles of anywhere from 300 to 2,500 words for the text found in monthly trade publication covering all facets of this industry, everything from reports on products to reports on governmental functions related to this industry. * Maintained open channels of information between myself and those handling public relations for the major military resale services, including the Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA) the Army & Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES) the Navy Exchange Service Command (NEXCOM) the Marine Corps Exchange (MCX) the Coast Guard Exchange (CGX) and the Veterans Canteen Service (VCS). * Created numbers-based sales charts. * Generated and maintained wide database of stories and photos related to the information presented in the publication. * Edited and proofread own work and those of other editorial personnel within the department.





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