Occupation:Environmental, Health & Safety Manager |
Location:Chicago, IL |
Education Level:Master |
Will Relocate:YES |
Extensive years of Environmental, Safety, Chemical Testing, Quality Control, Sustainability and Supervisory experience, with seven years of SAP/EHS experience. * Related management experience with knowledge of hiring, disciplinary and coaching skills and the ability to conduct performance reviews. * Substantial field experience in heavy industrial projects utilizing evaluation and control and safety, including SARA Title III, IV, V with knowledge of ISO 9001, ISO 14001, R2, RIOS Standards, MSHA standards, MIL-STD 882, Safety Analyst, PTC, Safety Hazard Log, CFR 1926, CFR 1910, EM 385-1-1, DOE-HDBK-1092-2013 and OHSAS 18001. * Provide hazard identification, accident/injury prevention, hazardous materials/waste management and SAP/EHS. * Emergency preparedness, Ergonomics, Industrial hygiene and Environmental regulatory compliance. * Microsoft Office Suite, AutoCAD, Gear Draw, Auto Probe, Spectrometer, GCMS, ICP and XRF certified. * Metallurgical experience with aluminum and magnesium foundry operations and precious metals recycling.

Work Experience

