Results-driven Finance professional with 15+ years in the financial service industry. Team player and, in turn, leader with a focus on measurable, quantifiable, overly-sufficient quality results. Supportive leader, resourceful problem-solver, and effective collaborator with excellent analytical, communication, presentation, organizational, and negotiating skills. Proven management of entire financial asset life cycle including pricing and secondary trading, initiating and leading performance- enhancing initiatives to include development of new programs, market strategies, and pricing/risk models. Develop compliance programming that provides oversight, training, monitoring and testing of the company's processes and procedures to ensure compliance. Additionally, completed numerous professional development seminars and courses covering topics including enterprise efficiency, leadership and management communications. Strategic Planning * Risk Management * Building Relationships * Troubleshooter * Forecasting/Budgeting * Talent Development * Financial Asset Valuation * Financial Modeling * Excel/VBA * Lean Six Sigma * Dashboard Development * Financial Reporting * Led HMDA 2018 project to ensure all employees and proprietary systems were compliant with the extensive updates to Regulation C requirements. * Within one year, reduced HMDA defects from ~40% a month to under 4%. Company defect threshold is 10%. The results were consistent for over three years. * Developed, maintained and updated numerous models to reduce manual Compliance reporting to eliminate errors and increase efficiency. * Developed new mark to market process and spreadsheets to make department more efficient, accurate, and transparent. * Led development, implementation, and management of correspondent secondary marketing mandatory sales in order to gain and retain an alternate transaction channel outside of best efforts. * Managed conversion of best execution from manual excel models to automated QRM framework. * Dramatically reduced aged inventory by up to 30% to help reduced costs and support liquidity of the balance sheet. * Created PHH's Specialty Trade financial models that segregated specific loans to take advantage of pay-ups investment banks are willing to pay for certain loan characteristics, resulting in $150K-300K in additional incremental net profit every month. * Developed retention database for financial reporting purposes and proactive refinance business.