Versatile, quick-thinking visionary who can turn any good idea into a sale; savvy public communicator; powerful team motivator, builder, & trainer; driven to help others create solutions for the success/betterment of ALL. Inspired by opportunities

Work Experience
(Confidential) | (Confidential) | 3/2005 - Present |

Some of my awards include: "Most New Clients", Oct. 2004, Greenberg, Grant & Richards; "Best Promotion in Texas Award", Texas School Public Relations Association for planning and executing the comprehensive marketing campaign for a $95 million school house bond referendum (which passed 6:1); "TexStar Award for Communications Excellence" from the American Cancer Society (Houston Chapter); 34 awards for writing & publication excellence from the Texas School Public Relations Association; 2 Bronze Quill Awards from the International Association of Business Communicators; Doubleday Book of the Month Club Selection for October 2000; 2X National Finalist for the RITA Award for Published Novelists sponsored by Romance Writers of America; Finalist for the Best Debut Novel & the Best Novel in a Series, sponsored by Romantic Times Magazine.Companies I like:
Whole Foods and other visionary companies who give their employees a great deal of latitude to make work-flow decisions and to create their ideal work scenario.

Job Skills


Launched first national marketing effort for a small environmental company. Opened territories in 7 states. Raised company’s revenue in TX, LA, and CA by 20%. Branded 5 new products while maintaining high sales figures & customer loyalty.
Far exceeded job description as an "Account Manager" specializing in sales: instrumental in establishing numerous company “firsts,” including protocols for sales prospecting, collections, customer orders, webinar presentations, national advertising, and customer rewards program.