LOS ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH, 2013 - PRESENT Specialized Foster Care Program-Bilingual Psychiatric Social Worker (2016 - Present) Handle duties related to case management, assessment, and diagnostics within the Belvedere DCFS Commerce Building includes continually working to serve as a link to community agencies by establishing relationships with county contracted providers and keeping up to date with their availability and the services provided by their agency Engage in emergency crisis intervention as part of an on-duty rotation of clinicians Utilization of various Los Angeles County approved screening tools that assess multiple domains of functioning Field assessments of DCFS referrals for reasons including but not limited to recent detention from parents, inability to adjust to current foster home, recent DCFS report of abuse and current crisis situations. * Adult Outpatient Program and Triage -Bilingual Psychiatric Social Worker (2015 - 2016) Immediately triaged and assessed patients for suicidal and homicidal ideation in the Augustus F. Hawkins Mental Health Center included aiding in and leading processes related to voluntary and involuntary holds Managed crisis intervention using direct one-on-one therapy and group therapy Also handled diagnostics, case management and offered resources for clients and their families * Crisis Resolution Services Program -Bilingual Psychiatric Social Worker (2013 - 2015) Operated in the Augustus F. Hawkins Mental Health Center to handle case management, intakes, assessment, one-on-one therapy and both short-term and long-term crisis intervention Assisted with voluntary and involuntary holds, family therapy and diagnostics Served as part of a multidisciplinary team to offer resources for clients and families Aimed to provide a linkage to community agencies or the in-house adult outpatient program tailored to meet the needs of the client by understanding the services of the agencies or programs where the clients would be referred in order to ensure proper continuity of care * MERCEDES DIAZ HOMES, 2010 - 2012 Supported Living Services Inc. & Independent Living Services Inc, Program Administrator Oversaw case management for a case load of 25 clients under 24-hour care Proved vital when hiring and terminating program staff operated as a Staff Scheduling Manager to train, supervise and manage approximately 46 team members Coordinated and ran staff meetings, along with meeting with Regional Centers and other outside agencies Handled medication management, on-call 24/7 crisis response, report writing, template development, assessment, intake and resource allocations for clients, caregivers and their families * * KAISER PERMANENTE - HARBOR CORPORATE PARK, 2009 - 2010 Behavioral Health and Psychiatry, Social Work Intern (550 hours) Engaged in individual, group and family therapy, along with all related documentation and diagnostics * Facilitated intake, assessments and referrals

Work Experience
Pomona High School And Emerson Middle School | Social Work Intern (520 Hours) | 1/2008 - 1/2009 |
Hospice Care Of California | Undergraduate Intern (100 Hours) | 1/2007 - 1/2008 |


Job Skills
