As a VP, Managing Director, and Officer of the Company with over 35 years of service to the Electric Utility and Computer industries, concentrating in Telecommunications, Protection, and Networking, I have successfully applied my cross functional experience in all Operational, Sales and Marketing roles, applying Management process's including Lean Transformation, Strategic Sales, New Product Blueprinting, Strategic Planning and Deployment, VOC, Brand Development, and Succession Planning, resulting in improved SQDC performance and organic growth. Marketing, Product Planning and Sales * Managed the development of Marketing and Sales collateral including Value Propositions, Elevator Speeches, Battle Cards, and Competitive Analytics' * Created Marketing program to attract Parties to purchase a $60M dollar company that resulted in a successful sale on 2 occasions * Spearheaded development of new products, markets, and strategic corporate alliances supporting strategic goals developed in a formal Strategic Planning Process * Direct responsibility over direct sales organizations applying Strategic Sales techniques advanced by Miller-Heiman Operations, Engineering & Technology * Extensive background in Lean Transformation across entire enterprise, to include the application of the Toyota Production System (TPS) * Trained in the B2B New Product Blueprinting process with successful NPD examples * Extensive use of Stage Gate Process for the development of new products * Daily management of operations utilizing Gemba. * Reputation for an ability to roll up sleeves and get things done. General Management * Managing Director of over 100 people across Operations, Engineering, Sales and Marketing Disciplines * Turned around departmental culture and performance and improved both departmental morale and objective performance metrics by 100%. * Created and implemented departmental processes and procedures to improve efficiency and have quick escalation and problem resolution.

Work Experience
Rfl Electronics | Plant Manager | 3/2016 - 3/2016 |

