-Interpreted and integrated all customer drawings and specifications pertaining to the development of the casting process and qualification. -Initiated the casting routing throughout the process to include all customer NDT requirements and all instructions to maintain the casting integrity. -Was the POC of all customer inquiries pertaining to drawing and specification interpretation and changes. -Was responsible to design the gating and mold assembly and all the casting and post-casting processes required to get the castings qualified to the customers requirements Bescast Inc. 2005 - 2007 Willoughby, Ohio 44094 Senior Product/Process/Quality Engineer Complete Engineering responsibility to design the tooling and process for investment casting Aerospace and commercial Turbine Blades, Vanes, Nozzles, Impellers, diffusers, swirlers, housings, Struts using super alloys that are used in the Aerospace and IGT Industry. -Responsible for all aspects pertaining to the design and development of castings. -Responsible for the customers supplied drawings, specifications and standards to include tooling and fixtures. -Involved as the primary contact for the customer to review any revisions to the drawing and specifications and implementing any changes. -Involved in all aspects of NDT (visual, FPI, x-ray, and dimensional) per the customer drawings and specifications. -Responsible to develop the casting routing throughout the process and provide the instructions via the router (traveler) that the customer's drawings and specifications dictate. Doncasters Southern Tool 2004 - 2005 Oxford, AL 36203 Senior Process/Product Engineer Primary responsibility was to develop the vacuum investment casting facility to produce commercial hardware, Aerospace & IGT airfoil blades & vanes, turbocharger wheels and vane ring castings. -Initiated and introduced all aspects of training, equipment, SOP's, internal & customer's specifications & standards to produce vacuum cast super alloys. -Involved in procuring equipment, alloy and any materials required from tooling to shipping, which included fixtures, gauges, pre & post cast materials required to produce an investment vacuum casting. -Interfaced with all customers to define their drawings and specifications requirements and timelines needed to qualify and deliver their castings. S & A Consulting Group LLP 2002 - 2004 Cleveland, Ohio 44122b-5633b Senior Consulting Engineer Mitsubishi Materials Corporation (MMC) Okegawa, Japan -To assist in the transfer of airfoil casting technology and to train and educate the casting support staff of MMC to develop an automated casting facility. -Interface with all managers and engineers involved in the program. -Assist and instruct in developing processes for the LPT blades and vanes for ESA approvals -Assist in interpreting all drawings, specifications and customer requirements for each airfoil part number (p/n). -Assist and instruct in wax pattern gating, assembly, shell system and the casting parameters of the required alloy of the p/n. -Assist and instruct in all foundry parameters related to the p/n requirements such as wrapping and casting conditions related to the alloy and NDT requirements -Assist and instruct all aspects of attaining successful ESA approval. -Assist and instruct in all post-casting manufacturing operations such as gate grinding, airfoil finishing and visual, FPI, x-ray inspections, thermal cycle and hipping when required -Assist in preparing all instructions required to manufacture the parts and comply with the customers specifications and industry standards.