To become a successful professional in the chemical, paint, coating industry and to work in an innovative, summery: Develop new product and refine existing product to ensure market leadership position provide supervision to other R & D employees lead technical project aimed at product development or product improvement, working safety is part of my culture and is condition of employment. Technical skill: -considerable knowledge of raw material, proper equipment used in testing practices advance math's, chemistry chemical formulation and composition as applied to reach research studies in laboratory settings - knowledge of Q. C. standards, practices, production operations processing methods manufacturing practices and live procedure, product features and competitive advantages. -knowledge of MS office or software applications related to job functions. - Ability to plan, organize & complete work schedule. -Ability to work independently, train & supervise the work of technical personnel. -Ability to maintain laboratory research & testing record and prepare periodic reports. -Ability to communicate effectively with chemist technicians management and production personal. -Ability to use all labs processing equipment used to make and test products. essential function : - Lead general product Development projects. - Maintain & updates products specifications & performance properties, for search purpose. - conduct competitive products bench marking analyses to test paint performance properties and make independent recommendation for improvement of product. - Define test parameter & initiate product exposure studies. - perform color system development & maintain procedures for tint bases. - Experience in following in pilot batches of new products & directing their successful implementation at point production sites. - conduct Quality control checks of new material batches or initial batches of new products and troubleshoot problems as need. - Experience in evaluation of new material and presentation of results to R & D personnel as well as to supplier and recommendations non technical personal is important. - Ability to create organize& direct presentation of final formulas in peer review meetings. - Train and monitor the work of Technicians Jr. chemists. and temporary personnel in carrying out their daily duties. - prepare managements Reports and charts to substantiate facts and findings. - interpret and respond to request for data and information either orally or in writing and answer related questions COVER LETTER: Yours Faithfully Nilesh Sandanshiv