Process and Performance Improvement H IGH LY A C C OMP LISH ED S A LE S A ND MA NAGE ME NT P ROF E SSIONA L Consistently successful in maximizing performance, driving growth, generating revenues, capturing market share, selling, improving margins, marketing, developing teams, conceiving and executing strategies, securing profitability and satisfying owner and investor goals and objectives. E F F E C T IV E A ND WH OLLY A C COU NT A BLE IN H IGH - P ROF ILE R OLE S Highly adept at overcoming complex business challenges and making high-stakes decisions within fast-paced high-pressure environments utilizing experience backed judgment, innovation, strong work ethic, and integrity. Respected as motivational, lead by example proponent of empowerment and accountability. V IS IONA R Y T H INKE R WIT H MA R KE T P E R S P E C T IV E A ND ENTREPRENEURIAL DRIVE Decision maker. Valued advisor and consultant. Highly skilled, experienced and successful in C-Level Negotiation, Sales Management, Project Planning, P&L Management, Pricing Strategies, Sales and Market Analysis, Lease and Contract Negotiation, Compliancy, Staffing, Purchasing, Troubleshooting, Risk Management, Facility Management, Vendor Relations M a n a g e m e n t Reorganization, New Product Roll Out, and Targeted Marketing. * Quick study with an ability to rapidly achieve organizational integration. Easily assimilate job requirements and aggressively employ new methodologies. Energetic and self-motivated team player/builder. At ease in high stress, fast-paced environments. * Excellent leadership, oral/written communications, interpersonal, intuitive, and analytical skills. Thrive in both independent and collaborative work environments. Craig Grace 436 Fall Creek Drive Proven track record of increasing revenues, Richardson, Texas 75080 Phone: 972.740.2811 streamlining workflow and creating a team environment in order to increase productivity. Craig Grace PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Executive Leadership Spectrum Carrier Services 2010 - Present Strategic Partnership, Finance Leader: Sales and Marketing Professional with over 20 years of successful and proven experience working in both structured and unstructured environments in an effort to achieve sales and marketing goals and objectives. Consistently demonstrate a special expertise in identifying specific market opportunities with long range strategic planning and implementation, building internal and external sales and marketing channels while simultaneously demonstrating an inherent ability to achieve bottom line results. Instrumental in the development of solid working relationships with customers, community organizations as well as the general business community. Results oriented self-starter with an entrepreneurial spirit, demonstrating a record of high performance standards, including attention to quotas, schedules, organization and quality of work. Self-motivated, setting a personal emphasis on organization and a high quality of production.