Led the design and implementation of C5/SR mobile communications project. Identified mission-critical telecommunication requirements for a critical response department in hazardous conditions with only a two-week notice. Coordinated the equipment allocation and led design and installation of 5 radios supporting 3 UHF/VHF and 2 SATCOM voice links, 1 X-band micro-satellite, and 3 ISR networks using small form factor and versatile rack-mounted systems for network operations center. Integrated VPN link for SIPR Data with Voice link over BGAN antenna and 3 ISR decoders for rural Sites. This project substantially increased the global reach of the organization allowing unique C51SR capabilities from the lowest echelons. Developed curriculum for telecommunications training plan for Special Operations team members Implemented a 6-week training course to instill confidence for future Radio Telephone Operators and Special Operations Communicators. The 6-week course provided hands-on training with radios on VHF and UHF technologies, VPN while utilizing BGAN/IMMARSAT systems, Windows Messaging Terminal (WMT) over SATCOM, and expedient field antennas. The training resulted in all team members completing the RTO training culmination course which enhanced their technical and tactical background for future promotions in the Special Missions Unit. Directed a Mobile Technical Control Facility in extending radio, voice, and data coverage for withdrawing U.S. Military forces in Iraq - Only TCF in the company to place a CNRI (Combat Net Radio Interface) which allows half-duplex voice communications over Ultra High Frequencies. The TCF was Selected by 22nd Signal Brigade Commander to set up a remote site on a multi-national base. The Remote Access Unit (RAU) assigned to the TCF to setup up a 30-meter omnidirectional antenna along with a significant Military Service Router (MSR) in southern Iraq. The U.S. forces used voice communications over the radio and Digital Secure Voice Terminal (DSVT) as they re-deployed to Kuwait. The TCF provided endless support with 100% connectivity during the 6 months. Managed the deployment of one globally reaching communication satellite terminal - Satellite Team Established First Earth link in Support of OEF (Operation Enduring Freedom). The team paved the way for future operations, in the Middle East and Asia, while working continuously with over 800 Hours of configuring the terminal in unconventional ways. The installation of this Earth Link led to the future installation of remote satellite teams of deployed U.S. Military forces in Afghanistan.


Job Skills
