MRS.OMAR HADDAD /GEPCO/ Cell: 961 3 718117 Work: 961 1 490343 * MRS.NAKHLE MOUALLEM /MOUALLEM TRAYDING /Cell: 961 3 355520 Work: 961 9 920317 * Major Joseph Khouraib /Lebanese army/responsible of the project Costal Surveillance project Cell: 961 70585756 * NG.Sperry Marine * FLIR camera infrared GEPCO general spare parts co.s.a.r.l ZACelectronics Lebanon Dbayeh-imm.VICTOR MFARIGE 04/541245 03/261952 I'm owner of this company we are manufacturing for special inverter marine and all system of power supply using in the system marine for equipment /radar /underwater transceiver/GPS$DGPS/sonar/gyro compass/echo sounder /laser range finder. We make service and maintenance representative of NG.Sperry Marine, one of the UK leaders in marine coastal equipment's mainly radar and Gyrocompasses


Job Skills
