SOUTHEAST COMMUNITY COLLEGE, Lincoln, NE, August 2008 - Present Psychology Instructor, Arts & Sciences, January 2018 - Present Program Chair/Instructor, Pharmacy Technician Program, August 2008 - December 2017 Instructor, Continuing Education * Taught the following courses: PHRM1100, PHRM1111, PHRM1101, PHRM1220, PHRM1121, PHRM1222, PHRM1131, PHRM1232, PHRM1240, PHRM1250, HLTH3019, MEDA1101, MEDA1202, Sterile Compounding Certification, Nonsterile Compounding Certification, PTCB Review for Pharmacy Technicians, PSYC1250, PSYC1810, PSYC2960. * Instructed and evaluated students in a variety of formats (online, hybrid, or face to face) and to a variety of individuals (high school, college learners, both traditional and non-traditional). * Communicated with appropriate staff at the affiliated agencies regarding scheduling students, objectives to be met and the skills and procedures students need. * Selected a variety of learning experiences in a variety of settings, which allowed students to gain knowledge of their role in the health care team and met their educational needs. * Utilized a variety of teaching strategies and modern technology in the classroom, laboratory, and/or during clinical training. * Evaluated students on a continual basis, kept them apprised of their progress, maintained accurate student records, and submitted grades as required. * Developed and revised course syllabi and outlines as needed to meet the program philosophy and objectives. * Served on various committees, including Higher Learning Commission Sub-Team Leader, Supervisor Training Program Team Member, and the Grievance Committee Team Member. * Played a fundamental role in accrediting SCC's Pharmacy Technician Program through ASHP for two consecutive and full accrediting cycles * Helped make SCC a licensed training facility for sterile and non-sterile compounding through NPTA. * Partnered with NPTA and made available sterile and non-sterile compounding certification workshops in the state of Nebraska for current pharmacy technicians and past graduates of SCC's pharmacy technician program. * Completed the process of placing the pharmacy technician program online. EMCP / PARADIGM PUBLISHING, St. Paul, MN, July 2010 - Present Editor & Content Expert * Review Paradigm's Pharmacy Technician Series publishing plan and make recommendations for changes in publication timing, scope, and titles as appropriate. * Review book outlines, sample manuscripts, and digital content and recommend authors and contributors. * Answer questions by telephone, email, or blog entries. * Participate in advisory board conferences. TUTOR / MENTOR, Lincoln, NE, April 2006 - Present Private Tutor, January 2012 - Present

Work Experience
Tutor.Com | Online Tutor | 1/2011 - 12/2011 |
Tutor, Club | Z Tutoring | 4/2006 - 6/2008 |
(Confidential) | Senior Certified Pharmacy Technician (Senior C Ph T) | 9/2003 - Present |


Job Skills
