COVER LETTER: Thank you for reviewing my Letter of Introduction for a position in health Care Management. I am quarrying you because I believe I am the best fit to serve your facility in the type of service that will benefit your facility by conducting regular in-service staff training to keep your facility compliant with State and Federal regulations. I am a Registered Nurse-Licensed in three states-Social Worker and Case Manager with Go Christ International-a proactive health and human services consortium serving in administration for elite wealthy families and health care facilities for over 24 years. As a certified, trained and proficient in consulting, behavior management & dementia care and related disciplines and am valued as being prompt in meeting all appointments at the scheduled time.. Notwithstanding the recent amputation of my right leg due to diabetes has not hampered my ability to continue to be prompt about time schedules. I seek a live-in or out assignment enabling me to continue to work competingly-to offset my rent-and at the same time able to interact more one-on-one with my clients to help prevent cognitive decline significant enough to affect positive change in social and occupational functioning by accepting and mentoring to each client where they are in their understanding of themselves and their environment. My "yes we can" motivational spirit derived from my own rehabilitation and fitting of a prosthesis has fulfilled a blessing of full recovery and understanding of my earthly duty and I won't complain. But yes, I can reflect on my amputation as a gift of preservation and of knowledgeable discernment. By hiring me as a worker with a disability you can be reimbursed for 50 % of the salary and accommodations you provide for me I am competent in using two important application platforms in the client evaluation and care process. The first, administering the "Indio Initial Psychiatric Evaluation" to establish an initial differential diagnosis that formulates the individual treatment plan to perform a care continuum process that assesses, plans, implements, coordinates, monitors and evaluates the options and services required to support the individual's health needs utilizing skilled communication, education, and resources to promote quality, cost-effective outcomes. Provides focused support to various areas such as utilization management, emergency department, acute, ambulatory and specialty care. The second is "Tabula-Pro" a web-based application to help manage resident care, meet State and Government documentation requirements and manage forms and reminders allowing more vital time to deliver quality care to each client. While interning as Case Manager at the world-renowned Betty Ford Center located in the resort community of Rancho Merage, California my primary responsibilities included working with clients in drug & Alcohol recovery programs who live with families residing in elite estates and diagnosed with Alzheimer's and related dementias These are the environments that enable me to continue mentoring healthy lifestyle principals to individuals with disabilities. In fact, this is a test of my ability to rely on a power higher than my own to emphasize the sacrifice of measuring my obligation to continue mentoring to people at risk disabled and seniors toward longevity and progressive life. As a Nurse I complete a cognitive and physical assessment or each of my clients that evaluates the needs, goals objectives to implement a plan of care, I share this plan with the patient, the team members, attending Physician, family and others. At the completion of our first care plan meeting submission of necessary results are directed in a timely manner to the staff that directs the total care of the patient. As a Social Worker, companion and mentor to seniors who have Alzheimer's and dementia related diagnosis I enjoy reminiscing civilian and military stories of the old school and mentoring positive optimistic, encouraging and constructive lifestyles with outside social settings, accompanying them with transportation to events, lunch or dinner engagements, doctor appointments, movies, concerts, and religious services. According to World Health Organization, this positive environmental implementation and mentor-ship of key health and wellness and Social Work activities leadership toward people especially those diagnosed with dementia is planting a seed of health, wealth and longevity in our communities. Accordingly, this applicant has a duty to safeguard all patients and provide additional measures for patients who are less able to protect themselves from harm or abuse. Safeguarding means mentoring through in-service training the latest trends that protect the patient's friends, family and loved one's health, wellbeing and human rights, and enabling them to live free from harm, abuse and neglect by the implementation of quintessential high-quality health. With my experience and education in leadership and savvy business skills yes, we can be an excellent fit instrumental in accomplishing the goals you have for you your family, friends and loved ones. Thank you for reviewing my letter of introduction. Please email me your application form or allow me to submit my resume to you at your earliest convenience. Sincerely. M. Lawrence Marsh, Sr Cc: RN License Verification QuickConfirm License Verification Report Primary Source Boards of Nursing Report Summary for LARRY L. MARSH [NCSBN ID: 8161831] Sunday, February 11 2018 09:05:10 PM Disclaimer of Representations and Warranties Through a written agreement, participating individual state boards of nursing designate Nursys as a primary source equivalent database. NCSBN posts the information in Nursys when, and as, submitted by the individual state boards of nursing. NCSBN may not make any changes to the submitted information and disclaims any responsibility to update or verify such information as it is received from the individual state boards of nursing. Nursys displays the dates on which a board of nursing updated its information in Nursys. This report is not sufficient when applying to another board of nursing for licensure. Use the "Nurse License Verification for Endorsement" service to request the required verification of licensure. Contact the board of nursing for details about the Nurse Practice Act, which includes nurse scope of practice and privileges and information about advanced nursing practice roles (practice privileges, prescription authority, dispensing privileges & independent practice privileges).


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