PROFILE: * My Work area mainly include processing Access Service request and Service Validation. * Working for access Service Request for Network equipments and Service Validation and their bandwidths * Our role involve processing of the data which depends on the scope of requirements of the request. * This data is being processed through various application like BPM portal, OMC, Pipeline, EON, CPO, Ops Console etc., * And also discussion with NOC team of different vendors (AT2T, Verizon, Globing Crossing, Tw Telecom) RESPONSIBILITY: * To understand proper scope of request and create ticket for the request of CPE (Customer Premises Equipment ) CPE involves managed and non managed CPE. * Understanding the scope of the CPE i.e. whether we have to install the CPE or just to activate the service (Service includes IP service and Voice Service ) 2.PROJECT DETAILS: CLIENT :- Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) London. PROJECT LOCATION: Chennai. ROLE: Senior Operational Executive. ENVIRONMENT: Window 2008, SQLDBX, Putty for phoenix environment. APPLICATION WORKED: - Autosys uses Interface, Argon server, support tool, winscp3, Active Console generous, ODC event etc. PROFILE: * Working for Counter Party Credit & Market risk. * Batch Monitoring is Mainly deals with Business Market Trade and Validate in UNIX & Database. * We will monitor certain batch's like capital CVA, Simulation, Market Data, Trade loading Repo var Batch through Autosys tool. * Upstream feeds were loading during the Business Date role aroung 21:17 BST data change into State Machine, Data Services PIR Service, ODC event, Pabfx Routes through putty (UNIX) tool. * Phoenix is an important Environment for Trade Banking upstream provide feeds to production through SDM, Venture, Algo, Forest, Universe. RESPONSIBILITY:- * Batch Monitoring and keeping Phoenix environment stable is the main role and check the upstream feed to production daily keeping business market data accurate. * UNIX command help to monitoring it gives a main support for credit, market risk by bouncing engine, forcestart, on ice the job, on hold, success, failure etc. * We will create database queries manually to find the error status of each batch in Trade Market. ACCOMPLIMENTS: * Received good feedback on project working. * Got appreciation by the senior. * And got appreciation from clients. DOMAIN / TECHNICAL EXPERTISE:

Work Experience
(Confidential) | Designation Role: Senior Operational Executive | 11/2015 - Present |
Level 3 Project. | Senior Operational Executive | 11/2015 - 11/2015 |


Job Skills
