1. Project Controls Manager / Consultant / Advisor / Coordinator, Lead 2001 to Present (Various Projects) 2. CIES / TANAP / CNRL: Project F764 NG-56" pipeline. Module Fab. HR 80' deep shoring, Excavation, U/G & Fdns. 3. StatOil / CIES / Brunel: Prj Controls Advisor - Corner SAGD 40 and 60 kbpd (Concept to FEL1 / 2) 4. StatOil / CIES: Review / Recommend to Upper Mgmt. Prj Cost Estimates "Upgrader Capacity: 120 KBPD". 5. TOTAL Asset Team: Manager (Estimating & Scheduling) - Projects "Mine / Ext, SAGD, Upg" Value $18 billions. 6. ConocoPhillips/EPC US: Lead (Cost and Planning) SAGD Surmont 2, Capacity 90 kbpd (Concept to FEL1/2/3) 7. Shell / AlbianSands: Manager (Est/Plan) - OilSands Mining & Extraction (Attain Sustainability), value: C$1.2B 8. El Segundo Refinery, CA: Develop Construction Sch "Pre/Post/S/D" to establish S/D Duration FCCU Prj- 0215 9. EnCana: Prj Controls Coordinator- Offshore Facilities Development Buzzard UK & Tahiti Golf of Mexico. $3b Each 10. Williams Energy: Planner (CSU) - Hydrocarbon Liquids Conservation Prj. (C4, C5 Extraction from Suncor Plant). 11. TransAlta-Delta Hudson: Sr. Prj Planning Eng. - 240 MW Gas Power Generation Plant for Mexico. 12. PMI Symposium 2003: Associate Project Manager. CIESLTD. And EPC & Fab Ltd (US). BD Manager