

Auditor - 0 Years of Experience



Education Level:


Will Relocate:



To obtain a position within a growth oriented, progressive company which will utilize my skills, abilities and education and help myself realize my potential. Willing to work as a key player in challenging & creative environment. CURRENT ORGANIZATION : (Total Exp. 3 Years 2 month ) Working in SBA Associates, Chartered Accountants Firm as a Team Leader since April, 2015 to till date. Date of incorporation of SBA Associates is 01.07.1974 . Last three years turnover are- 2015 - 16 Rs. 12,430,838/ - 2016 - 17 Rs. 13,919,592/ - 2017 - 18 Rs. 13,671,413/ - JOB RESPONSIBILITY/JOB PERFORMED: 1) Leading Audit Programme ( Internal Audit ) a) WBSEDCL( West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd.) ( A Govt. of West Bengal undertaking ) i) Process Audit - Finance & Accounts ii) Process Audit - Stores Management iii) Process Audit - Systems iv) Process Audit - Energy Billing 2) Quarterly Internal Audit ( IRCON )- Indian Railway Construction Company Ltd. a) Finance & Accounts b) Compliance of Statutory Dues c) Tax aspects d) Fund Management e) Utilisation Certificate 3) Statutory Audit i) MGNREGA - A Govt. of India Project ii) Sarva Siksha Mission - A Govt. of India Project 4) WBSCB Ltd. ( West Bengal State Cooperative Bank Ltd.) Statutory Audit 5) ICAI ( The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India) Internal Audit 6) Volunteer Retirement Scheme (VRS) Audit SBSTC- (South Bengal State Transport Corporation) CSTC- (Calcutta State Transport Corporation) 7) No.of Private Organisation as well as Govt. organisation in West Bengal a) PF and ESI Audit b) Physical Inventory verification c) Consultancy and other alive jobs. PREVIOUS ORGANIZATION: Jan. 12 - Dec. 14 Worked with Chatterjee & Co., Cost Accountants Firm as a Team Leader cum Audit Assistant JOB DESCRIPTION/JOB PERFORMED: Leading Audit Programme - (Internal Audit) 1) CCL (Central Coalfield Limited) - A Govt. of India Undertaking i) Stock verification ii) Internal Control Evaluation 2) BCCL (Bharat Coking Coal Limited) - A Govt. of India Undertaking i) Wages and salary verification with ERP system. ii) Stock verification 3) ECL (Eastern Coalfield Limited) - A Govt. of India Undertaking Wages and salary verification 4) NTPC (National Thermal Power Co. Ltd.) - A Govt. of India Undertaking i) Job Contract verification ii) Physical verification of Stock







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