My Career Objective is and has been to design and develop the most interesting, human centered, simple to use, market penetrating products made. I want the company (my client or employer) to be positioned for increasing its market share and profit. I believe the best Industrial Design feels natural to use and presents a buyer with a special kind of interest and motivation to purchase. I believe a well managed design and engineering team can make a tremendous difference with a single product and then see that positive benefit to users multiplied over and over. Delivering this kind of innovation is the real beauty of very good Design Thinking, Product Planning, Industrial Design, Engineering, Marketing and Sales. I look forward to working with a fine team of very good designers, engineers, marketing and sales people. Getting creative people to all pull in the same direction is the first challenge. The second challenge is to get each of them together and as individuals to deliver solutions that are better than they ever thought they could have before joining the team.

Work Experience
Director | Studies. Represented Company As Speaker | 2/2005 - 10/2011 |


Job Skills
