KEY QUALIFICATIONS * Structural engineering industry practice for structural analysis and design, construction document preparation, structural design review and code compliance checking. * Code Standards and Specifications: ACI 318, AISC 360, IBC 2012, NDS 2015, AASHTO Standard and AASHTO LRFD Specifications * Project class: Bridges, buildings and water structures * Project type: Bridges: Concrete deck slab bridges, pre-stressed T-girder and box-girder bridges, steel bridges, abutments, wing walls, retaining walls, culverts. Water structures: elevated water tanks, concrete water reservoirs Buildings: multi-purpose buildings and office buildings * Review and code-compliance checking of design reports and construction-drawings details, and design integration across disciplines design team coordination. * Condition survey of existing bridges and inspection of bridge maintenance works * Construction sites supervision work: bridges and building projects * Business and Project management industry practice covering all phases and subcomponents of project management including definition, measurement, charting, evaluation and analysis COMPUTER SOFTWARE AND EXPERIENCE * Structural Analysis/ Design: STAAD. Pro, SAP, ETABS, SAFE * Project Management: Primavera, MS Project * Drafting and Detailing: AutoCAD * Presentation: MS PowerPoint * Document/Report Preparation: MS Office

Work Experience
Findling Inc. (Usa Baltimore/Md) | Construction Inspector | 8/2016 - 8/2016 |
International Project Related Experience | Graduate Assistant, Assistant Lecturer And Lecturer | 8/2016 - 8/2016 |
Member American Concrete Institute (Aci) Ethiopian Chapter | Professional Engineer (Md/Usa) | 8/2016 - 8/2016 |

