Professional Profile Summary Department Manager (Accounting and Systems) - Accounting and Systems Department Head for a Community Development Non Profit and Hospital responsible for Accounting, Payroll, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Investment Portfolios, Cash Management, Reimbursement and Budget Planning and Management. Along with the management of the day to day planning and operational systems, in both cases I was instrumental in the Purchase, Implementation, Training and Deployment of state of the art ERP systems during my tenures. Requirements Analyst - Gathering requirements, generating SDLC requirements documents and maintaining requirements traceability from gathering to final validation. Functional and IT Senior Business Analyst Requirements Analyst - Gathering requirements, generating SDLC requirements documents and maintaining requirements traceability from gathering to final validation. Quality Assurance Engineer and Test/Validation Manager - was successfully building a validation group for a Medical Device manufacturer. This included mechanical, electrical and software labs that conformed to IEEE and FDA regulations for validation testing and processes. Designed the software validation processes used to validate all aspects of device firmware, software, communication and network requirements. Successfully introduced the Standard Operation Procedures (SOPs) necessary to successfully test, validate and deploy the electrical, mechanical, software and network requirements contained in new products. Systems Analyst - successfully wrote specifications and managed programmer resource pools. Managed program releases, engineering, baseline and production code and systems. Successfully managed deployment of multiple ERP and other systems in the Hospital, Utility, Financial and Communications industries. SDLC Methodologies * Waterfall (De Marco Structured Methodology) * Rapid Application Development * Interative (IBM Rational Unified Process) * Agile (Oracle AIM and OUM) Automated Tool Suites (requirements, development, testing, defect tracking and reporting modules): * Team Found Server (TFS) and Microsoft Test Manager * Rational Tool Suite (Rational Rose, ClearQuest, Clearcase, Functional Tester) * Quality Center, QTP and HP Sprinter * Knowledgeware CASE tool * Microsoft SharePoint (Design Sites and Subsites and Administer) * Microsoft Office - Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Visio, Microsoft Project Applications and ERP Systems * Oracle Financial, Customer Experience, Manufacturing and Distribution Healthcare Technologies remanufacturer and maintenance * SAP - Human Resources, Contracting, Manufacturing and Distribution Medical Devices * ServiceNow/Nuvolo - Work Order and Inventory Management * Whittaker Medical Healthcare Hospital (ADT, OP Reg, billing, collections, scheduling, medical records). * American Healthware/Seimens American Eagle 2000i Healthcare Hospital (ADT, OP Reg, billing, collections, scheduling, medical records). * IBM CIMS Utility System (CIM, Billing and Inventory) * Moscom Communications home grown CIM, Billing and Switching system * TOPPS - Insurance CIMS and Claims Systems Relational Databases/Data Formats/SQL Tools * IBM DB2, DBASE I - IV * Progress Database * Access Database * Oracle Financial, Customer Experience, Manufacturing and Distribution SAP Manufacturing and Distribution Medical Devices * SQL Server * Data Formats - XML, HL7, Comma, Tab etc. deliminated, Text, HEX, etc. * Quality Center tool - SQL/DQL (DQL Builder) * Script Languages - SQL, TSQL, DOS Commands and .bat files, etc. * SQL Tools - TSO/Query Manager/Spooky, SQL Server Manager Studio (SSMS) * Various other proprietary Relational Database and editors to complete DBA functions and BI reporting generation.

Work Experience
(The Judge Group) | Senior It Business Analyst | 11/2014 - 8/2014 |
(Aramark) | Senior It Business Analyst Test Coordinator, Business Analyst And Quality Test Manager | 8/2014 - 11/2015 |
(Signature Group) | Test Coordinator | 4/2014 - 7/2014 |
Projects And Companies | Contractor And Consultant Test Coordinator, Business Analyst And Quality Test Manager Test Manager (The Judge Group) | 11/2013 - 11/2014 |
(Te K Systems) | Test Coordinator | 11/2013 - 12/2013 |
Welch Allyn Inc. (A Medical Device And Application Manufacturer) | System Test And Technology Manager (Business And Quality Analyst)Contractor And Consultant | 9/2003 - 11/2013 |
Projects And Companies | Lead Business Analyst/Lead Quality Analyst | 1/1998 - 3/2003 |
Spherion Inc. | Corporate Consultant | 1/1998 - 3/2003 |
Comforce Computer Systems, Inc. | Lead Business Analyst | 12/1995 - 1/1998 |

