*Experienced with: Microsoft Office, PRISM/GraphPad, Sequencher 10.1, FileMaker Pro, Lasergene, DNA Strider, ImageJ, FlowJo and Adobe Photoshop PAST RESEARCH EFFORTS: Examining the roles of wfs1 and wfs2 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Utilizing Drosophila genetics and tumor models to do high-throughput screening of drug libraries to find novel cancer and diabetes compounds Discovering the mechanisms involved in stem cell activity during development of the Drosophila gut. Creating a Drosophila p38 mutant in order to look at environmental stress in drosophila. Examining the epithelial patterning of the Drosophila eye during development, by finding regulators of cell damage, cell death and cell fates. *The roles of p53, klumpfuss and echinoid during development
Job Skills