* Western hemisphere team lead for Corporate Real Estate Global Power Team for Baker Hughes Inc. * Strong working knowledge of commercial construction with emphasis on HVAC and plumbing systems * Strong spatial abilities from four years of architectural education * Specialized in complex medical and laboratory mechanical projects * Able to internalize and prioritize complex components bringing them together on time and within budget * Successful in developing lasting customer relationships * Works well with different personalities and developing a team environment for successful project completion * Developing and nurturing working relationships with coworkers translating to more productive and profitable projects * Welcomes and thrives on challenging tasks SPECIAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS * Key stakeholder in investigating and potential implementation of a 4 megawatt solar filed in McPherson KS * Energy & Climate Change champion for McPherson KS manufacturing site Responsible for 1.5 million dollars' worth of savings in 2014 attributed to Energy Management Systems (EMS) reductions * Established and implemented BMS/EMS for Baker Hughes Inc. western hemisphere properties * Baker Hughes western hemisphere team lead for Global Power Team Responsible for foam cup elimination for all Baker Hughes Houston properties * Key part of management team responsible for largest gross margin project in TDIndustries Houston