Accomplishments: * Established cost centers and control techniques resulting in Publishing Division regaining profitability. * Developed and implemented a world-wide financial management report for 13 countries. * Revamped an accounting system for promotion/marketing expense resulting in a $1 million savings. * Established an Office Services Department which administered the needs of three locations. I.A. Europe Group, Inc. - 8 Years Publicly held integrated multinational holding company maintaining offices in the United States, Italy, England, and Bahamas. Chief Financial Officer Responsible for the design, development, implementation, direction and control of all areas of finance and administration including but not limited to accounting, budgeting, planning, insurance, finance, banking, taxes and human resources. Specifically and more importantly, as a publicly held company, was responsible for the information contained in the periodic reporting to the Securities and Exchange Commission in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the Company as defined in the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, and that these reporting's fully comply with the requirements of Dection 13 (a) of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934. Feldman Enterprises - (Privately held real estate firm) - 6 Years Chief Financial Officer Responsible for all administration, accounting, financial and tax ramifications of fourteen entities. Interacted with attorneys, CPA's and financial institutions on legal, tax and financial matters pertaining to syndications and other business ventures. Accomplishments: * Established automated accounting, budget and cost system for all entities. * Developed and implemented reporting mechanisms for external use. Coordinated, reviewed and presented project financing goals to financial institutions for capital infusion The Neptune's Cove, Inc. - 7 Years Treasurer - Chief Financial Officer - Part Owner Privately held Delaware Corporation developing one hundred and eighty acres on an Island called - Long Island - in the Bahamas. Jeno's Inc. - (Privately held Food Processing Corp. - 2 Years Director - Finance & Administration As a member of the Executive Committee, responsibilities included financial evaluations and projections, developing outside corporate financing as needed. Directed and administered corporate liquid assets for optimum useage. Established a 401 Plan and administered corporate pension plan. Instrumental in developing Application Systems as part of corporate data processing and coordinated audit and tax function with CPA firm.

