Summary of Professional Work Experience Special Assignment: The Turner/STV a Joint Venture of New York NY USA seconded from McTech Corp of Cleveland Ohio engaged in engineering change order and closeout consultancy services from March 2017 through November 2017 at their $1.2b infrastructure development for the New York Police Academy complex in College Point NY. Eyobo Engineering Services Nig. Ltd Benin City, Nigeria (May 2011 - Present) COO/Consultant Engineer. * Prepared the expression of interest (EOI) for the Infrastructure gap analysis for African Development Bank (AfDB) at the proposed staple crop processing zone in Anambra and Enugu state of Nigeria. Prepared the technical proposal after the firm EOI was accepted. Lead the team of consultant in the study. Coordinated the technical report writing and wrote the final recommendation for the client. * Prepared expression of interest for a hydrological study for a proposed power plant in Cameroon. * Lead the Preparation Eyobo's of an expression of interest for transaction Advisor in a joint venture with other interest for an irrigation project to be funded by AfDB in Nigeria. * Member 5th World Bank/ Federal Government of Nigeria Supervision team on Fadama III infrastructure projects. June 2016 * Lead consultant on the reconnaissance survey of farm land flooding for the development 1 Page of mitigation control measures in farm lands in IKWO and IZZI LGAs Eboyin State Nigeria 13404 Darley Avenue Cleveland Ohio 44110 Tel: +1 929 372 6011 +1 929 249 6066 +234 815 119 8550 +1 234 525 0741 Email: for United Nations International Funds for Agricultural Development (IFAD) assisted assignment May 2016 * Engineering expert engaged by the Nigerian Federal Ministry of Environment Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) as a reviewer of the Samsung Heavy