Summary: * Astrophysics/Astronomy/Atmospheric Science graduate: University of Colorado at Boulder - Planning to continue in a related scientific area - Interested primarily in Physical Sciences: Observational Astronomy, Atmospheric Science, Data Manipulation/Analysis, Communications Systems Technology - 3.5 years US Army Active/Reserve service with Honorable Discharge -Familiarity with review/design of astronomical/satellite instrumentation -Skill in astronomical data reduction/analysis: (Python/PYRAF/DIS) -Coding knowledge: (Python/UNIX/IDL) -Shiftwork experience -Extremely Organized/Detail Oriented -Strong verbal communication -Able to work in confined spaces with technical equipment -Situational versatility -Common software application knowledge -Technical/Software Troubleshooting/Support - Maintenance of satellite communications equipment and associated devices - Conduct stressed and unstressed network operations - Prepared system and equipment reports and documentation - Familiar with various types of communications equipment - Working with codes - Ability to perform physically and mentally under pressure - Can thrive in team environment Accomplishments: - MOS Certification: 25-S and 1-C from US Army School of Satellite Communications Technology at Ft. Gordon, GA (JUN2011) - Satellite EMI Fundamentals Certification (DA Form 87) from Space and Missile Defense Command at the Future Warfare Center (Colorado Springs) - National Ski Patrol/Outdoor Emergency Care Certified Rescuer - Held US Government/DoD TS-SCI Clearance JUN 2011 - JUN 2013