Experienced with Infield Quality Control, checking geometry and noise as data was acquired, 4 months total in field. Checking geometry, removing noisy traces, creation of trace-to-shot & detector relation files. Including being embedded with a field crew to do cost-benefit analysis of operations. * Regularly learned and implemented new algorithms, workflows, software, and significant updates. * Worked closely with clients including meetings, presentations, status reports, and both intermediate and final reporting. Extensive use of Microsoft Office products including Excel, PowerPoint, Word, and Sync. * Relevant course work includes Anisotropic parameter picking, theory of Depth Migration, Salt Interpretation and picking, 4 Component Seismic processing, Unix Systems administration, Petrel/I2I Modeling software and 3-D Seismic Survey Design and Analysis. Kelvin Soice 832.215.6231 Sample Projects and Initiatives * Software version performance comparison and testing, including: - KDM Volcan testing comparison of performance metrics and KDM performance testing metric between versions - Migration travel time file compression tests - KDM Travel Time reduction and GPU tests of performance metrics between versions of travel time algorithms and the usage of GPU type node - Regression testing on Omega, Petrel and Omega Cluster Manager, performing functionality testing, speed comparisons, and confirmation of results - Collaboration with the Software Development team in development, debugging, and testing of new software, including evaluation of teaching materials * Creation of procedures to achieve results not envisioned by software programmers, such as developing a procedure that enabled generating different set of inside and outside mutes for above and below the unconformity. Created a procedure to smoothly merge overlapping stack sections, or for the easy production of SEGP1 survey files, and for a selection of gathers strung together to cover the same area as a stack. * Recognized and respond to new errors in rapidly evolving software: - Developed a procedure to deal with certain irregularly shaped stacked sections - Worked with Data Management to improve the system for archiving tapes * Volunteered to visit Slavnyeft client site in Russia to improve client uptake of purchased Omega data processing software. Mentored the use of the software for 15 employees in solving daily seismic data processing problems. * Advised management on feasibility and efficiency of using third-party software to automate routine testing. * For the Seismic Guided Drilling department, which performs many iterations of tomography very quickly as the well is being drilled, developed a master setups directory of approved and verified workflows that simplified the process and reduced errors. Additionally, implemented a parameter entry feature of Omega to consistently identify the tomography iteration and append the information to each output dataset.

Work Experience
Schlumberger Technology / Western Geco Resources | Project Leader/Senior Geophysical Engineer | 1/1995 - 1/2016 |
Trinidad And Tobago 3 D Extension & Angostura & Span 2 D For Bhp | Black Sea For Lukoil | 1/1995 - 1/1995 |
Hidalgo & Lake Salvador Reprocess For Eog | Edge Petroleum | 1/1995 - 1/1995 |
2 D For Exxon Mobil | Hannibal/Redfish Merge | 1/1995 - 1/1995 |

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