Career Summary: Achievements and Qualifications * Founder, Creator, Manager * Universities of Iowa, South Carolina, and Commonwealth of Puerto Rico grant offices. * Technical writing/grant writing consultancies. * Sunflower Child Care Center private-public NE Iowa facility (100 children ages 0-12). * Collaborated with advocacy groups to initiate "experimental sites" for incarcerated adult' Pell-funded education. * Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE), Managed 25+ programs, Developed program guidelines, Managed peer reviews, Ensured grantees' regulatory compliance. * Grant writer/grant developer - secured hundreds of millions of dollars in awards from: * NSF, EPA, DofED, NEH, NEA, HHS (NIH SAMHSA, HRSA, ACF, CDC), DOJ, DOL, private and corporate foundations. * Technical Writer * Reports and white papers translating scientific and technical concepts into lay language. * Department of Education "control" correspondence and FOIA responses. * College deans', presidents', corporate executives', and government officials' speeches. * MLA, APA, Associated Press, National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), AMA, and Cisco Technical Documentation styles' expertise. * Content Developer/Instructor * Grantsmanship for faculty, scientists, federal agency fellows, & non-profit administrators. * U.S. Department of Education Clear Writing seminar series.

Work Experience
C. Cornell Incorporated | Clear Writing Services | 1/2014 - 7/2015 |
(Confidential) | Program Officer/Education Program Specialist Contract Appointment | 12/2013 - Present |
U.S. Department Of Education | Supervisor | 1/2008 - 12/2013 |

