Summary Entrepreneurial, self-starter Engineer with 20+years of experience in setting up, establishing and selling several businesses. Additionally having 10+ years of diversified civil engineering experience in projects financed by World Bank in East Africa and testing and inspection of a wide variety of civil engineering projects in the USA. Accomplishments Highlights in Brief * Successful management of numerous projects from location selection, permit and design approvals, installation, setup of operations and final sale as owner or part owner. * Joined a World Bank-financed project in Africa as a replacement for a civil engineer after a job accident and successfully completed the project. Selected Professional Accomplishments Construction Inspector 09/2017 - present Accomplishments Construction Inspector 09/2017 - present Various Road projects in NJ Responsible for inspections of earthworks and concrete placements on generally rehabilitation sites and asphalt placement inspections on roads. Partial list of projects: * Responsibilities included handling all field liaison engineering activities related to laboratory and field testing of concrete compacted soil rebar placement asphalt compaction inspection pile driving monitoring etc and compliance to contract specification and designs for numerous projects. Partial list of projects Negotiated Worked under the Job Superintendent on a multistorey building involving reconstruction of foundation to accommodate additional loads from additional floors. Structure involved use of Frasernet cables. Selected Entrepreneurial Accomplishments purchase of rundown liquor bar with license and property. Reconstructed the bar to a liquor store and added 1000 square foot of rental space established the business and sold in 5 years for over $1.4 million. Researched demographic requirements of the check cashing industry and located and negotiated rental terms with the landlord acquired relevant permits and approval for

College of Engineering | Civil Engineering | 1985 | Bachelor Degree |

