SUMMARY Software Developer/Software Engineer/Systems Administrator experienced with providing excellent solutions in the Information Technology arena. Professional communicator with clients and team members. Recognized as mentor to fellow colleagues. I love solving complex problems, learning new technologies and facing new challenges. ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Dependable at completing over 20 claims change requests on schedule, resulting in ability to save over $1,000,000 of late fees. Successfully managed over 10 "Member Information" defect requests. Configured and maintained over 300 SFTP connections. Constructed and cared for over 100 EDI maps. Created software for transport of reports related to Payroll, Ordering and Manufacturing. Maintained communication to over 100 KRONOS timeclocks as well as configuration of the software resulting in timely payment of employees. Securely managed crucial login and data for over 100+ employees resulting in zero loss of information. Developed solution for consolidating existing UNIX based hardware to new Enterprise Sun program. Consulted on Tivoli backup schema. Transferred knowledge to new System Administrators as well as acted as a mentor. Provided support to over 100+ Store servers, which allowed them to operate 24 hours a day without interruption. Consistently received exceeds expectations during peer reviews and employee evaluations.

Work Experience
Dxc Technology | Software Developer | 6/2014 - 12/2017 |
Systems Administrator/Architect Electronic Data Systems | Legacy Application Support Hewlett Packard Enterprise | 11/2000 - 6/2014 |

