Occupation:Executive Recruiter |
Location:Blue Springs, MO |
Education Level:Some College Units Completed |
Will Relocate:YES |
Accomplishments Turned around an underperforming district with 11 facilities that was losing 31 % in annual profits. Stabilized the gross profits within two months and after eight months the district reported a total profit of 22%, a 53% turnaround. Managed a project to stream line the operations of 6 newly purchased facilities that resulted in an increase in profits from $162K to $262 in 12 months. Reorganized a newly acquired chain of facilities by rewriting company policies/procedures and employee responsibilities that reduced FTE's by 1.5 and saved the company $101 per day. Led a team to reorganize a Kansas facility due to loss of revenues as their census numbers dropped significantly. Monthly profit of $lOK was maintained in spite of losses. Developed a program with a 4-facility client that required a reduction in revenue of 10% but was still able to increase the company's profits from this client by $36K annually. Developed annual business plans. Had the highest employee retention rate in 2015 in the company (78%) due to its implementation. *Consistently promoted throughout career*