ACCOMPLISHMENTS Saved Projects: * Discovered issues with CAN traffic and came up with algorithm to reduce false positives to less than one per ten thousand car-years. * After many hours of single stepping through ARM C++ and assembly code (with the help of an ARM expert) managed to get final clue to allow postmortem debug in manufacturing environment. * Reverse engineered a legacy DOS/Nucleus RTOS based PC-104 system allowing the delivery of $4,500,000 products to China as well as much more in the USA and rest of the world. * Used listening skills, experimentation in the lab, as well as very strong physics and mathematics background to discover why embedded product acted differently in the field and came up with appropriate algorithms to compensate for temperature changes. * Used strong test skills to notice reason for bad data from GLC (gas liquid chromatography) machine and then used excellent chemistry and mathematics knowledge to develop correct algorithm to give right data. * Pulled an all-nighter and capped it off with a little diplomacy to save an 18-month $750,000 international project. * Jump-started a $2 million project that was on hold due to bugs by working through Christmas vacation rewriting 6000 lines of code to less than 500. * Saved $200,000 and won a $600,000 project by designing and programming a fault tolerant system which integrated fifty - year-old railroad equipment with modern digital systems. * Designed and programmed operating system for consumer electronics product in one month when previous team had failed in six months, stopping the cancellation of the product. Beating Difficult Deadlines: * Completed a Telematics POC (proof of concept) in five day with a team of four where a team of 6 failed in nine months. * Developed a domain specific system for rapid development of demo user interfaces using Qt quick, QML and Javascript and table driven software system in ten days. * After 6 months of failed attempts (by another software engineer), I wrote a TCP/IP Winsock Windows CE module in a month. * Project managed the production of world's largest Train Control System. * Dodged project cancellation by debugging a gas analyzer (CO2) using only four printf variables (to console) each time burning new EPROMs in less than a week. * After 2 months of failed attempts (by another software engineer), I designed and programmed a demo tape drive emulation system in two days, meeting a major Navy milestone deadline. * Completed emulation of Navy terminal in four days, beating the deadline and obtaining the next milestone payment. * Designed and programmed five demo video games over a long week-end in time for a consumer electronics show. * Moved thirty seven Wordpress blogs from one host to another in less than forty eight hours * In one week, altered the php code of Wordpress core to, reduced by 400,00 (a 90% reduction) the number of Inodes to below the 50,000 maximum allowed by the hosting company. * Designed and developed an Intellivision add-on executive program in one month after previous senior engineer had failed in six months. Computer Graphics/Machine Vision: * Met the design spec by implementing a five-fold reduction in rendering time via 9 lines of code * Increased inspection through-put by 100% via micro-code and an image translation system * Designed/programmed first video-game system changer & world's first instant replay feature * Designed a graphic engine allowing interactive manipulation of photorealistic animation on PCs * Designed and programmed more than 50 real time transitions including simulated 3-D page turns using 2-D transformations for the award winning Screenplay non-linear editing machine * Discovered and used novel VGA graphics routines to produce a 4:1 compression and no disc access. Designed and programmed a new VGA palette reduction system allowing use of single ideal palette for multiple images

Work Experience
Karma Automotive | Lead Data Architect | 1/2017 - 1/2017 |
Karma (Fisker) Automotive | Sr. Embedded Software Engineer Sr. Embedded Linux Software Engineer | 1/2015 - 6/2017 |
Dec. | Vubiq Firmware Engineer | 1/2013 - 5/2013 |
April | Hgst Firmware Manufacturing Integration Software Engineer | 1/2012 - 11/2013 |
Jun Nov | Hgst Firmware Failure Analysis Software Engineer Aero Vironment Embedded Software Engineer | 1/2012 - 1/2012 |
Life Focus Center App Development | Life Focus Center Consultant Canon Development Americas Sr. Software Engineer | 6/2010 - 1/2011 |
Diebold Campus Systems | Sr. Firmware Engineer Applied Magic Sr, Software Engineer Rosemount Analytical Sr. Software Engineer | 1/1999 - 1/2000 |
Peerless Systems | Sr. Software Engineer | 1/1995 - 1/1996 |
Software Consulting | Senior Software Engineer | 1/1988 - 1/2015 |
Rancho Cucomongo | Technical Manager: Safetran Senior Systems Programmer Sega Enterprises | 1/1984 - 1/1985 |
Mattel | Senior Systems Programmer | 1/1983 - 1/1983 |

