Summary: * 5 years of experience in software industry in design, development and admin activities involving requirement analysis, implementations, testing and reporting of various client server based applications. * Over 4 years of Experience in Sailpoint Identity IQ implementation and configuration for application on-boarding for access certification and provisioning. * Worked on upgrading and Patching IdentityIQ. * Experienced in working on Authoritative and Non-Authoritative Applications Configuration using Active Directory, Flat file, JDBC, Oracle Database Direct and Sales force connectors to load the Identity Cubes. * Excellent knowledge and experience in implementing user provisioning credential management, workflows, forms, application integration, connectors, reports and roles. * Designed Sailpoint deployment activities - connector configuration, custom rule development, workflow configuration, development and third party system integration. * Worked on creating the Identity access to the employees and managing the certifications and provisioning accordingly with the Sailpoint Identity IIQ. * Developed custom workflows (With multi-level approval and time-based escalation for Approval process, profile update and self-service, changing the profile of User and modifications to Groups). * Experience in Sailpoint tool customization, Report Generation, Integration with end/target systems, Sailpoint API's and Application Development. * Hands on experience in developing custom rules such as customization rule, build-map rule, connector rules and custom workflows. * Experienced Connector development for target Systems (Active Directory, JDBC and CSV). * Performed Integration with multiple applications such as AD, Flat File and JDBC with different types of databases li

Work Experience
(Confidential) | Sailpoint Developer | 3/2016 - Present |
Mohawkind Industries | Sailpoint Developer Sailpoint Developer | 4/2015 - 2/2016 |
Capo It Solutions | Java Developer | 10/2011 - 12/2012 |

