Occupation:Executive Secretary |
Location:Little Falls, NY |
Education Level:High School/GED |
Will Relocate:No |
I am an ENFP (Myers-Briggs), which means I'm a creative, resourceful, proactive, multi-tasker who's great at juggling several different tasks at once. My recommendations that I've received through LinkedIn.com from past and current superiors speak for themselves... “Lolly combines enthusiasm, motivation, desire to please, and team-player qualities in all of her work at [our company]. She's open to feedback and is a shining example of someone who improves continually on the job. Each day, week, month she is with us, her value and "couldn't do it without her" vibe just grows!” “Lolly was a true pleasure to work with. Her timeliness and dedication to every project made it so I could concentrate on other facets in the company. My effectiveness inside the business was a direct result of Lolly's hard work. She's resourceful and a quick study. I will truly miss working with her.” “Lolly has the single most important attribute of any individual for any position, she cares deeply about the quality of her work. She does not rest until she is satisfied that the job she has done is the best it can possibly be. I value every opportunity I have to employ Lolly, and could not offer a better recommendation to anyone for any position.”

Work Experience
(Confidential) | (Confidential) | 10/2004 - Present |
Bachman & LaPointe, P.C. | (Confidential) | 7/2004 - 10/2006 |
About You Photography | (Confidential) | 1/2000 - 6/2004 |
Digital Artist Music Network (D.A.M.N.) & USGigTV - Music Reporter/Promoter/Band Manager | (Confidential) | 1/1997 - 8/2000 |

Ilion High School (Graduated 1yr early) | Academic | 1988 | High School/GED Degree |

Social Media
Book | The Psychology of Achievement by Brian Tracy | media url | My boss purchased this amazing program for me: This easy-to-follow, 6-CD audio program will teach you how to create your goals, program yourself for success, take action immediately and have everything you've ever wanted. |

Companies I like:
To be honest I truly love the company I am currently working for but feel I am very underpaid. This is something I have been working on with my employer- but in the meantime I need to keep my options open. I've done my research and am aware that the position I currently hold as the (Virtual) Executive Assistant to the CEO is a considerably higher paying position than what I am currently making. I am open to considering a similar Virtual Assistant position with another company.

Job Skills

