
Carole C

Chemist -2 Years of Experience2



Education Level:


Will Relocate:



COVER LETTER: Dear Sirs, This letter is in reference to your advertisement for a Scientist .My bachelor level education (BS Chemistry- UMCP) included course work in Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biology, Physics, Calculus, Chemical Engineering and Zoology. In addition, I attended the Biotechnical Institute of Maryland where I learned techniques in Cell Culture, ELISA Assays, Basic Molecular Biology and Clean Room Techniques. (QA/QC) I have seven years experience in the Chemical field, two of those as a Chemist. Previously, my Chemical skills included screening participants for medical research, sales of chemical services at NIH, monitoring BOD, turbidity, and pH and conducting acid digestions. I operated a densitometer, GC's (troubleshooting carrier gas), a spectrophotometer and an autoclave. I analyzed moisture content (IR) and performed titrations, extractions and dilutions. Also, I did gas line construction and maintenance. In addition, Kjeldahl analysis, microbe counting, salt bath and oven drying were performed. Furthermore, I operated a liquid scintillator and researched various aspects of water pretreatment. In addition, I performed routine testing such as HPLC, GC, UV-VIS, IR and Dissolution testing. Finally, as a Chemical Engineering Co-op Student, I assisted with accident investigations, reports and attended hearings.( All of these utilizing appropriate cGMP's and SOP's). Most of my assignments have been with temporary agencies. Although I have found my work rewarding, I am now looking for a permanent position that will utilize my skills. Among my experiences are positions at WR Grace, McCormick, Red Star Yeast, UM Physics Department, WSSC. Department of Agriculture and NTSB. In addition, I have had approximately 5 years of Receptionist experience and 5 years of Customer Service experience Furthermore, at Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission I learned the allowable amounts of radiation and other waste released into the sanitary sewer. In order to know these amounts, I had to research the CFR's and many other printed information at places like the Library of Congress. I interviewed Radiation Safety at NIH These experiences have given me the tools necessary to function with a good range of task and people. I have learned the importance of working as a member of a team while retaining the ability to work independently as needed. As a caring, intelligent individual, I am interested in becoming a positive addition to your company. Also, I am responsible, dedicated and flexible. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Carole C. Coe OBJECTIVE: A challenging position offering upward mobility QUALIFYING CHARACTERISTICS A professional dedication coupled with written and oral communication skills. Well spoken and personable.


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UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND Chemistry 1994 Bachelor Degree




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