DC Salary: 115,500.00 USD Per Year Hours per week: 40 Series: 0080 Pay Plan: GS Grade: 14 Security Specialist (This is a federal job) Duties, Accomplishments and Related Skills: As a Senior Security Specialist for the Office of Inspector General (OIG), serve as the SCIF Security Officer responsible for all activities involved with Sensitive Compartment Information within the OIG. Manages all classified materials, containers and reviewed, updated procedural guidelines for the OIG's Sensitive Compartment Information Facility (SCIF). RECOGNIZED TECHNICAL AUTHORITY for interpretation of federal government policies and procedures for classification guidelines as promulgated by Executive Order 13526, Classified National Security Information, and its Implementing Directive 32 CFR Part 2001, as well as Department of Homeland Security directives. APPLY KNOWLEDGE OF FEDERAL SECURITY REGULATIONS/LAW/POLICIES/DIRECTIVES: Research and utilize a broad range of existing national policies, procedures laws, regulations, and legislation. Review and analyze developing agency security policies. Maintain awareness of regulation, policy, and Public Law pertaining to classified information. Research and interpret various national regulation, legislation, and policy to determine application to managing the classified information program. Also, research and advise on the clarification of security guidelines, policies, legislation, and regulations covering the security operations of one or more substantive national security programs. Substantial knowledge of regulation, policy, orders, and public law for classified information and interrelated security programs: Executive Order 13526, Classified National Security Information, and its Implementing Directive 32 CFR 2001 121-01-011, DHS Administrative Security Instruction Executive Order 12968, Access to Classified Information 32 CFR Part 147, Adjudicative Guidelines for Determining Eligibility for Access to Classified National Security Information 121-01-007, DHS Suitability and Security Program Public Law (PL) 111-258, Reducing overclassification PL 96-456, Classified Information Procedures Act 6 CFR Part 7, DHS Classified National Security Executive Order 12829, National Industrial Security Program and its Operating Manual Executive Order 13549, Classified National Security Information for State, Local, Tribal, and Private Sector Entities and its Implementing Directive Executive Order 13311, Homeland Security Information Sharing Information PL 107-71, Aviation and Transportation Security Act PL 107-296, Homeland Security Act. Responsible for the management of all classified information created within the Office of Inspector General Conduct self-assessment review of the collateral and SCI programs for the Inspector General, recent oversight from DHS HQ found the the OIG SCIF as the Best managed SCIF in the Department PROVIDE TRAINING AND INSTRUCTION: Train agency-wide personnel regarding document marking, safeguarding, need-to-know criteria, physical storage and control transmitting, transferring, reproducing, downgrading, and destroying information, and development of classification guides. Initiated, developed, and updated two training courses provided annually on the agency's Online Learning Center regarding techniques, practices, and methods of safeguarding classified information. Interacted closely with two contracted companies in updating three online security training courses reviewed for accuracy "story boards" of information to be read by actors notated errors and ensured correction and attended acting sessions to ensure corrections had been placed on script and/or if clarification was required. Serve as the, COOP Program Manager, the resent Eagle Horizon 2013, the HQ DHS reviewed the COOP, Devolution and Reconstitution plan and identified OIG's Reconstitution plan as "Best Practice". Responsible for the Department's Anthrax program serve as the Point of Contact. Serve as the alternate Communication (COMSEC) Custodian. Provide technical expertise and leadership for the protection of assets, (physical security), (Access control, ). I represent senior management of IG on the resent external working group committees concerning all security matters. Supervisor: Michael Wentling (202-632-0130) Okay to contact this Supervisor: Yes U.S.Office of Personnel Management 20355 United States

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