Summary of Qualifications * Ford International Executive with a worldwide experience, 15 years of Procurement experience. Two Long Term International Assignment (2 Years located in Europe managing the First Global Trucks Project between Ford South America and Ford Turkey and 2 years located in Argentina managing all Ford Argentina New Projects). * Large Experience in people management and leadership with different cultures, profiles and skills, always working with the employee motivation, seeking the excellence in the services given by myself and also my subordinates and actively managing the stress and the working hours * Great knowledge on the Coordination of the internal process of identification and prevention of "Major Comments" on the external and internal Audit process of the Purchasing Department * Full control on the PCR (Price Change Request) and PIR (Price Increase Request) processes, wrapping up the readjust processes within the "policy" established by the Finance Department * Experience in "Commodity Strategy", seeking the management of its "part chain" from the Technology Global trends and the "Source" always aligned to the national and international market * Suppliers development and technical inspection of the productive process and the productive chain analysis, identifying the possibility of cutting off the costs * Great experience in Finance, Cost Estimative, Business Cases executions, PayBack calculation, Parts and Tools, Variable Costs composition in national and international spheres, with multinational performance * Control of costs, budgets, purchases, stocks (ABC curve) and expenses, and also products logistics, distribution and amount of requests * "Green Belt" title to the 6 Sigma Tool.

