SUMMARY I possess 21 Yedrs culinory groundwork in my Tounddiion. Fundomeniol rule is hoT ploies hor cold plore cold loui dll of Them musr oe cledn. in my opinion peing prociciive is esseniiol To growih ond success or dnyThing. l-ionds-on demonsrroiion is The only woy To exhiloii Tunddmeniol oworeness. I om mdiure. dependdple, hord working. reliople olwdys leorning PROFESSIONAL HIGHUGHTS » Troining ond developmeni ¢ Compurerproiicienr » Building ilovors ¢ Food cosl » Creoie new dishes ¢ Creole recipes ¢ Bredk downwholeiish ° Ordering o CuTTing ond poriioning meofi o Scheduling o lvieoiiemperoiures » Work sTciTionlogisTics » Broiler 0 Menu creolion ond design 0 Souie » Coiering o Tepcin yoki 0 Grow microgreens 0 Wok sToTion 0 Row por PRGFESSIONAI.. EXPERIENCE 11/20161011/2017 KifCf'i@l'I MGFIGQGY The Big Coich Seafood House 1 Alhomloro, CA Oysiers ond row bor. Moniiored mulTiple work sTdTions To ensure kiichen hod moximized workflow. Covered sioiions doily To lower ldpor. Mode sTroTegic vendor ond iiem oidjusTrnenTs To lower cosTs while moiniciining excepiionol duofliry. Commonded Sundoy prunch. Repldced brunch desseris To from scroich recipes sdving money. Breoiking down of fish, grdvlox. souces, soups, ordering. . working dll sioiions 02/2016 To 10/2017 Eve-nr Chef Canyon Coiering e Oronge. CA Prep. Worked in oi ond cold kiichen. Weddings Bdndueisz provide Troy pdss poriy c: ppeTizers. plored solod, pioied dinners, coke cuTTing ond desseris sToTions_ 12/2013 10 D2/2015 Execurive Chef/Chef de Cuisine Ways ond Means Oysrer House - Huniingion Beoch. CA _ Designed menu To occommodcne locoiion demogrophics ond help esrololisn proiecred food idenTiTy. Did week To week new menu iTem Tosiings over severdl monihs unTil we clinched finol menu. Designed order guides ond price compdrison grids. Devised prep lisTs ond recipe loook. Ordered dll Things for new kiichen. Sedrched ouT vendors To evoluoTe pricing ond dudliiy. Sei up oil occounis. Found ioesi ovdiloiole prices ond vendors for oli ingredienis needed. Deiermined ploie wore plore up ond gcirnish. Opened locorion in Pciciiic CiTy. Creoie ond execuie wine dinners. Guesi wine dinners. Revolufionized Tish Toldricoiion ond srordge. 06/2011 To 12/2013 Eveni Chef _ 24 Corrois Ccriering cmd Evenis e Irvine, CA _ Sreoihrdking even s for dll oi lifes speciol occdsions. Chdrcuierie ond Cheese pldiiers, gdrde mdnge ond lodnguei preporoiion. Leod weddings ond pdndueis 01/1999 10 02/2003 Executive Sous Chef Roy's Resiouroni e l\lewporT Beoch. CA ` _ I _ Lopsrer PoTsTicl

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