Experienced with a wide variety of microcontrollers such as TI MCUs, Atmel MCUs, Freescale SoC, etc. NON-TECHNICAL SKILLS * Clear Communication when speaking and writing to make my points concisely and logically. * Initiative to see what needs to be done, find a way to simplify, improve, or clarify the task. * Curiosity to learn on my own and find out what I need to know. * Ability to perform Teamwork with others to completed projects. * Ability to listen my team mates to foster relationships in order to meet or exceed project expectations. * Business sense to merchandise the work and worth to the organization. * Bilingual, English and Spanish. PROJECTS 1. HTTP Server It is an embedded Linux HTTP server running on a iMX6 NXP/Freescale SOC based board. It is designed to provide content to the Android IFE. For this project I developed and ported the bootloader (u-boot), kernel and Linux File System. 2. USB Tester It is a custom AVR 32 MCU application designed to test USB 2.0 port. It measure USB voltages under heavy load condition to evaluate if port comply with USB standard. 3. DC-AC Inverter It is an application designed to run on top of a TI MCU (TMS320C28035) based board to convert a DC input signal/voltage into AC signal/voltage. 4. Offline Bible It is an Android application coming soon to play store. It is a multi version and bilingual Bible (English/Spanish) which doesn't use any network resource. It uses custom ViewPager, custom ListView, custom ToolBar, FloatingActionButton, etc 5. Parental Supervisor It is a two Android component application (under development). One is an Android Service which run on supervised phone and the second one is an UI application which run on parental supervisor phone to remotely control the supervised phone. 6. In-Flight Entertainment It is a custom Android-based IFE designed to provide entertainment to passenger in aircraft. This application play content via stream from a HTTP server, browse and locate content from server. For this project I developed and ported the bootloader (u-boot), kernel and Android File System for a custom board.

