-, Tax Credit New Construction, San Antonio TX. $13M /700 Units Class C Multi-Family Remodel San Antonio TX Deerfield, Luxury Townhomes New Construction, Medical Center, San Antonio TX. * Bishop Square - $17M /134 Units, Student Housing Townhomes New Construction, San Marcos, TX. * Cambridge Towers - $7M /186 Units, Mid-rise Multi-Family Remodel Las Vegas, NV. * Sage Crossing - $7M /550 Units, Class C Urban Multi-Family Remodel San Antonio, TX. Townhomes - $20M /122 Units Garden Style Townhome New I developed action plans and set goals to achieve objectives by identifying resources needed time allocations and anticipated obstacles. I utilize planning tools and methods for prioritizing organization and follow through. Work Ethic I'm dependable and I meet commitments by exhibiting willingness to put in extra hours or "do whatever it takes" to get the job done. I'm available and presentable for work on a consistent and timely basis.

