Occupation:Mechanical Engineer |
Location:South Windsor, CT |
Education Level:Master |
Will Relocate:YES |
SUMMARY * Profile Male, Introduction * Code and Software skills Experience summary 3 Educations and Degree . 6 Cases of work performed . 7 CODES AND SOFTWARE SKILLS (18 YEARS) Analyzes survey reports maps drawings blueprints aerial photography and other topographical or geologic data to plan projects 15 Years Computes load and grade requirements water flow rates and material stress factors to determine design specifications 10 years Conducts studies of traffic patterns or environmental conditions to identify engineering problems and assess the potential impact of projects 10 years Directs construction operations and maintenance activities at project site 15 years Directs or participates in surveying to lay out installations and establish reference points grades and elevations to guide construction 10 years Estimates quantities and cost of materials equipment or labor to determine project feasibility 10 years Inspects project sites to monitor progress and ensure conformance to design specifications and safety or sanitation standards 10 years Plans and designs transportation or hydraulic systems and structures construction and government standards using design software 15 years Prepares or presents public reports such as bid proposals deeds environmental impact statements and property and right-of-way descriptions 10 years Provides technical advice regarding design construction or program modifications and structural repairs to industrial and managerial personnel 10 years Knowledge of ASME/US code and regulations 10 years Machine design elements fits tolerances alignment bearings and power transmissions. 4 years Monitoring / failure analysis and equipment failure history analysis and reports. 4 years Wind/seismic analysis of tall building power plant and towers. 8 years Pressure vessels mechanical design stress analysis and pipeline construction EXPERIENCE SUMMARY ALSTOM-POWER, South Windsor, Connecticut. USA * Pressure Part Mechanical Specialist 12/2009 - present Tank and Vessel, structural design, support design, gas gate, flange and nozzle stress analysis. * Extract information from 'Selection Sheet' for support in ambient and low/high temperature/cryogenic storage tank design and detailing program for multiple projects * Perform Finite Element Analysis (FEA) of tanks and vessels using ANSYS/Abaqus/Compress software * Project lead engineer in the design of steel and concrete bridge structures, interacting with senior and younger staff. * Involved in layout, analysis and design of bridges and other structures. * Assist with computation of plan quantities to support the opinion of probable costs. * Provide guidance to younger engineers in production. Reviews, assigns work and/or checks design calculations, estimates, and specifications produced by younger engineers. * Lead completion of final submittal documents for design projects. * Progresses from simple to moderately complex projects under general supervision. * Commitment to quality work and timely communication. * Create ANSYS (FEA) model for tanks and vessels for fatigue / creep analysis. * Perform structural design using STAAD Pro * Review storage tank design drawings and calculations * Prepare, check and modify spread sheets and other design tools relied upon for engineering efficiency * Implement fatigue and creep analysis, metal temperature differential allowed between two sides of the plate. * Prepare material requisitions and bid evaluations * Participate in design reviews utilizing expert knowledge in the development of engineering details * Review vendor submittals and participate in technical bid evaluations Respond to technical queries and provide technical support to site construction team FEA of OXY-HEADER analysis - Analysis of oxy-header - tube arrangement using FEA 20 node brick elements. - Calculate the fatigue life cycle using EN 12952 and using material listed in ASME and SAE code. - Calculate heat transfer film coefficient of oxy-header tubing arrangement. - Calculation of shrinkage stress for header - tube connection, analysis of preheat, and post heat effect on shrinkage stress. 660 MW ultra-super critical units. (USC-CFB) unit Windsor, CT Mechanical engineer for: HRSG and CFB - Responsible for supporting development and review of the structural design of combined-cycle power plants including large frame gas turbine rotating equipment with the use of appropriate codes and standards, design criteria and constructability criteria for cost-effective design of main and auxiliary equipment structural foundations, main and secondary steel structures, ductwork and piping supports. I also work in Thermal Power Section to support the development of design specifications and review and analyze internal, supplier and contractor design documents for compliance with contract specifications, conformance with U.S. material and building codes, wind and seismic design loads / design standards, and functional constructability * - I had technical expertise to support R&D, Engineering, detailed design and sizing calculations for a variety of boiler concepts and components (new boiler concepts, modifications to existing boilers, test and pilot scale demonstration facilities). Pressure part design and sizing in accordance with prevailing codes and standards (ASME and EN). Detailed analysis of boiler pressure part components based on Code materials for emerging boiler technologies. Mechanical design and familiarity with relevant computer software (e.g. CAESAR for piping). Knowledge of the ASME boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Knowledge of AISC/AWS codes, in addition to ASME, Metallurgical knowledge including welding, bending, manufacturing methods and coatings, expert of pressure parts standard modules, oxidation, corrosion and overheating. Knowledge of basic mechanical engineering formulas, skills of at least one pressure vessel calculation software (CEA-CPM, PV-Elite, knowledge in calculation codes (CM66, UBC, ), knowledge of pressure vessels, knowledge in drawings & diagrams as P&ID reading and checking, knowledge of FEA principles, skills in FEA software (ANSYS, ABAQUS, STRUDL and CFD ANSYS Fluent). Structural engineer duty: * Analyze complex steel and reinforced concrete structures using appropriate linear and non-linear finite element programs. Wind and seismic load are bases for the design as well as vibration. * Determine service requirements and design the structure and accompanying components. * Weight estimate of the 660, 1100 and 880 MW CFB unit. * Steel design utilizing codes/specifications: AISC, ASCE7-02, UIBC, ACI, API. Experience in power industry and with STAAD including modeling, analysis, design and trouble shooting. Performing wind load design of major structures in petrochemical * Check steel connections in both SI metric and US customary units, using the latest code from AISC 360-10 LRFD and ASD, BS 5950, AS 4100 . Choose and plug in of standard steel connection types, including support for multiple-row moment and end plate connections including to perform calculations, check bolt and weld groups, heck support for multiple codes, provide steel weight estimates including an estimate of major member sizes. Review and confirm code basis for each project. Prepare structural design and fabrication specifications for each project. Collaborate with other project team members to comply with project requirements and meet project schedules. Review of detailed design including drawings, 3D Model and STAAD analysis. Review of fabrication shop detail drawings and fabrication sequence. Guide and monitor sub-contracted structural engineers. Mentor and train junior engineers. * Calculation of loadings: Dead loads, Live loads, Construction loads (ASCE /SEI 7-05) * Mechanics of Materials: Shear Force & Bending Moment diagrams * Timber Structures Steel: Columns, Beams, Connections Concrete: Reinforcement, LRFD, Columns, Walls, Foundations, Member check and selection. 660 MW HRSG unit (1 year) Review drawings and ensure proper GD&T is used to best represent design intent and manufacturability Lead the mechanical integration efforts of product design and development Design components to meet all functional requirements using Creo Select proper materials for components in various temperature and corrosive conditions Perform should cost analysis to ensure product designs meet cost requirements Review drawings and ensure proper GD&T is used to best represent design intent and manufacturability Design components to meet all applicable codes and standards including ASME B31 Piping codes and Boiler and Pressure Vessel codes Mechanically integrate pumps, blowers, valves, heat exchangers, and other components into a power plant package Communicate with suppliers to ensure tooling and processes align with design intent for new design launches Review supplier deviation requests and incorporate design for manufacturing feedback Lead root cause investigations 550 MW L-CLC Unit. * ( Chemical looping) (2 years) Pipe stress engineer duty : * Pipe stress analysis using CEASAR II for the inlet and outlet piping system (using FEA and nonlinear analysis) at 1200 degree F and high pressure 1300 psi. * Incorporate wind analysis and seismic analysis for the unit above (dynamic analysis) using CEASAR II software. * Prepare GA drawing and implement structural design using STAAD III. * Stress analysis of pressure part, plate thickness, bolt and steel size using conventional method. * Implement impulse load (up to 3g load) for impact into the analysis. Include water hummer, slug, and harmonic (time-history and spectrum history) into the analysis. Lead FMEAs on components and systems to determine largest risks to product success Produce validation test plans to ensure designs meet requirements * Interface with structures and fluid analysts 660 MW Turbine Hall * Structural engineer Design structural component of the turbine hall frame, * Incorporate steel dynamic analysis, wind and seismic analysis for structural weight, wall girts + claddings, roof cladding + purlins, grating wt., concrete wt+ finishing, thermal analysis, crane loads ( bridge, trolley, lifted load, max. wheel load (static), max. wheel load ( weight of impact), lateral load and longitudinal load), the design incorporate equipment loads, piping loads, live load, snow load, Incorporate 4 codes in the design, American std. (ASCE 7-05), Indian std. (IS 800), European std. (NF EN 1990), and Chinese std. (GB5009). * Structural/Mechanical engineer to design main component of the power plant, steel structure design, concrete foundation design and code check. * India RP600 MWe Supercritical 1000 MWe Rest of Asia * Large Supercritical Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) * 1350 MWe Double Reheat Tower Boiler * 660 MWe Ultra Supercritical CFB * 660 MWe Dry Lignite Tower Boiler * Participate in design of BIOMASS Firing * Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) Firing 1100 MWe Advanced-USC Tower 1000 MWe Advanced-USC 2-Pass * Advanced-USC Tower Boiler * Member of design team for Steam Loop Corrosion Testing Alabama Power's Plant Berry * 900 MWe Oxy Combustion Tower Boiler * Alstom's Boiler Simulation Facility (BSF) 550 MWe Chemical Looping Plant Chemical Looping Combustion CFD design model with ANSYS * Work with internal/external flow/ laminar and turbulent flow/ incompressible-compressible /subsonic-transonic-supersonic/ steady state/ transient /scalar mixing Heat transfer/ conduction/radiation/force convection/natural convection/conjugate/joule heating/solar

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