Professional Summary: * Outstanding knowledge of software development life cycle and software testing life cycle * Expertise in working with various methodologies in executing test life cycle encompassing Iterative and Agile scrum * Solid knowledge of the following operating systems: Windows, iOS, Android and Unix * Excellent at analyzing the business and functional documents to write detailed test scenarios and test cases * Collaboratively working with other business analysts, developers and testers to perform internal and external peer-review of test-cases * Skilled in preparing traceability matrix to ensure that all the requirements defined for the system are tested in the test cases * Experienced in performing verification and validation * Experienced in performing smoke, functional, component, integration and system testing * Focused on discovering, reporting and tracking bugs in Jira, Spira Test and Bugzilla * Demonstrated ability in carrying out regression testing and retesting to make sure that the discovered bugs are fixed * In depth knowledge of executing user acceptance testing (UAT) before the product is deployed to production * Skilled at making sure that entry criteria and exit criteria checks were met before and after the build is deployed in the QA environment * Good knowledge of testing webpages using Selenium web driver, element locators and Java programming language * Good at creating test cases using TestNG framework and prioritizing them * Experienced on how to test web services: SOAP and RESTful * Excellent at performing backend testing by writing basic to complex SQL Queries using MySQL Workbench, HeidiSql and Toad * Experienced in performing functional, installation, interruption and network testing on mobile devices * Skilled at detecting errors and monitoring network traffic using Charles' Proxy on mobile device * Fast in adapting to the company's culture and new work environments * Skillful at prioritizing various tasks simultaneously and still meet the deadlines * Excellent team player and mentor with great professional and interpersonal skills * Demonstrated ability to work in fast-paced environment and handle multi tasks * Passion for learning new testing tools and always willing to take new challenges Banque Amadeus resides on the top companies in the world that provides solutions to make the businesses meet the customers' expectations. It provides services to travel agencies, hotels, car rental companies and much more. HOTSOS was developed by Amadeus to make the communication between employees. The software reduces miscommunication, recognize top guest issues and boost employee productivity and accountability. Responsibilities: * Followed agile scrum methodology in the process of developing the application * Analyzed the stories for the amenities, work orders pages, and create new incidents * Authored test scenarios and test cases for assigning the requests to the right departments * Provided peer review for test scenarios and test cases for other testers and submitted feedback * Performed smoke testing for HotSOS especially the guests' requests page and close requests functionality * Conducted black box testing for the application and ensured that entering the managers' credentials takes the into the homepage * Executed functionality testing for the software and ensure that the main functions like sending a work order, accepting requests and clear them from HotSOS are working as designed * Tracked the bugs detected in the managers' send request page found in the application in Jira * Carried out regression testing for service requests and incidents to ascertain that the bugs got fixed and the previously working functionalities are still operable * Used SQL commands in HeidiSql to retrieve information about the orders and requests put by managers and guests * Validated the data integrity in the database by using CRUD operations * Used Unix to check the log files and the memory status and other functionalities * Supervised user acceptance testing carried out with some perspective customers and noted their feedback * Reported and tracked bugs found during testing to upper management Populaire is one of the biggest financial institutions in Morocco with headquarter based in Casablanca. It provides various banking services to its clientele. These services vary between creating checking and saving accounts applying for loans and credit cards. Chaabi Net is an application developed to help the Banque Populaire customers to access their accounts 24/7. The customers using can perform different transactions which include among others: checking account transferring balances from one account to another ordering checks online and much more. Responsibilities: * Adopted the iterative methodology in developing and testing the web based application * Performed a detailed analysis of the requirements mainly the ones involving financial transactions: Gerer votre budget financer votre projet and Effectuer des transactions a l'etranger * Carried out both internal and external peer reviews of other testers' test cases before executing them * Developed extensive test cases including happy paths and negative scenarios for Transférer de l'argent Effectuer vos transferts vers l'etranger and Financer votre projet immobilier * Implemented a traceability matrix in the testing process so none of the requirements was left out * Used boundary value analysis and equivalence partitioning to test the customer's info page * Performed smoke testing for La Banque Populaire Marcaine page to check if the page had no critical severities and if the whole application functionalities were up and running * Carried out sanity testing to check if the critical functionalities like se connecter en ligne into the accounts transferer and deposer les cheques are functioning * Executed regression testing for the Banque Populaire to ensure all the previously working functionalities like Recruitment and Responsibilite Sociale were still functioning * Performed usability testing to ascertain that the application is easy to use easy to learn and created a real-life experience to make sure the customer's expectations were met * Tested the database through SQL queries to see if the customers' info were updated whenever a change was made in the customers' personal info * Created projects and test cases in SOAPUI to test foreign currency service * Executed the Unix commands to check the log files of the application * Validated the ACID properties in the database * Teamed up with the developers and other testers while working on tracking bugs and getting them fixed

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