Summary of Expertise This candidate stands above all others by the demonstration of customer service, dedication to the patients and staying up-to-date in the craft. During this candidate's service as a Physician Assistant of 233,600 no a mishap or a death under care. This candidate has a personal letter written by a very thankful patient (Secretary of the Air Force) thanking this candidate for saving their life. Relentless examination, evaluation, treatment and follow-up of the patients under his care to ensure patient good health. Honorable Mentions Naval Commendation Award Naval Achievement Award with Cluster in lieu of 2nd award National Defense Award with cluster in lieu of 2nd award Meritorious Unit Citation during Desert Storm Physician Assistant Daily medical care for 100 Prisoners of War during three wars. Performed medical duties for the Brigade of 1000 Midshipmen. Served as Medical Officer for the Varsity Football Team of the Naval Academy. Flight Deck Medical Representative of the USS America (aircraft carrier). Cared for 3000 inmates including minor surgery, emergency suturing, refill and initiate medication management, monitor chronic care patients including adverse side effects of all medications and treatment plans.

