To perform routine and multifaceted duties for the daily operations of an operating unit or functional program that involves establishing short-, mid- long-term goals and objectives developing guidelines, procedures, rules and regulations and developing schedules, priorities, and the standards for achieving these goals. July 2016 - Present Restore Outreach Center, Baton Rouge, LA Director of Operations * Manages subordinate supervisors who supervise employees within the Clinical Department. Supervises Office Manager and Assistant Office Manager. Is responsible for the overall direction, coordination, and evaluation of these units. Carries out supervisory responsibilities in accordance with the agency's policies and applicable laws. * Completes reauthorizations for outpatient treatment requests for mental health, check authorization status, employee evaluations, health, and safety meeting, drills, implement corrective actions, supervise office personnel, coordinate between all offices with office procedures, input authorizations, coordinate with plans in regards to authorization. * Plans, coordinates, and controls the daily operation of the organization through the organization's managers and establishes current and long-range goals, objectives, plans and policies, subject to approval by the Governing Board. * Dispenses advice, guidance, direction, and authorization to carry out major plans, standards, procedures, consistent with established policies and Board approval and meets with the organization's other managers (Clinical and Office Managers) to ensure that operations are being executed in accordance with the organization's policies. * Reviews operating results of the organization, compares them to established objectives, and takes steps to ensure that appropriate measures are taken to correct unsatisfactory results. * Directs hiring and training of personnel and coordinates activities of clinical and administrative staff and services. * Develops policies and procedures for various organizational activities and creates a planning model that supports the organization's mission and values based on an internal and external needs assessment

