COVER LETTER: About Me : I am an extremely hard worker that is dedicated, and loyal. I have wonderful people skills, both written and verbal. I always try to go beyond what is expected and give more than expected, with everything task that needs to be complete. When given the opportunity, I rise to any occasion, and when faced with a challenge, I overcome. I believe that any job that is worth doing is worth doing right. I have a willingness and eagerness to learn, I am a quick study and believe the more you learn and obtain the better you can be. I am willing to gain any skills of the trade, and I listen well. I am enthusiastic about procuring all licenses or requirements I do not already possess. Bachelor of Applied Science in Supervision and Management 3.2/4.0 Experience in Project Management, Marketing, Sales, Customer Relations, Customer service, Administrative Duties, and Manager Trained 3+ years. Avid volunteer, Great Work History, Amazing References. Kyle James Croney * 407-405-3637 Current 1480 8th Street Orange City, FL 32763 Page 2 OBJECTIVE: To obtain a position, which will allow me to advance, and grow to my full potential.


Job Skills
