CAREER HIGHLIGHTS CHALLENGE: Active Directory upgrade - Upgraded the old Active Directory infrastructure, from a Windows Server 2003 with a Domain and Forest level of Windows Server 2000 to a multi Domain Controller Active Directory infrastructure. Both forest and domain levels were upgraded to the 2012 R2 level. * Ensured failover and redundancy due to multiple Domain controller replication CHALLENGE: Migrated an Exchange 2007 infrastructure to a 2016 Exchange Server redundant infrastructure. The old Messaging architecture consisted of a single Microsoft Exchange server 2007. I have migrated the mailboxes to an Exchange 2016 infrastructure using a 2 stage migration process. First stage consisted of migrating the mailboxes to an interim Exchange 2013 server. Afterwards the old 2007 server was decommissioned and the mailboxes were migrated to 3 Exchange 2016 servers. 2 servers were located in the Main office and one server in the DR site. All 3 servers have been configured to be members of a Database Availability Group * Redundancy was ensured and I have eliminated the single point of failure which was present in the old system CHALLENGE: Spam E-Mail reduction. I was given the task of reducing the organization's spam e-mail problem without any financial expenditure. I have set up a Linux based E-Mail server (postfix and Spamassassin). The Linux server acted as a front end mail relay server. From the previous 10 - 15 spam E-mails per day for every user, I managed to bring it down to 10 Spam E-Mails per week, for the entire organization * Drastically reduced the volume of spam e-mails CHALLENGE: Setting up an open source subversioning system using Apache SVN and Active Directory. The programmers in the organization needed a subversioning repository with permissions based on Active Directory group membership. I have integrated a Debian based Linux distro with the organization's Active Directory and managed to apply permissions to the repos based on AD Group membership * AD group membership based access on versioning repositories Grain trader owned by * An organization with 3000+ employees. I was responsible for the Microsoft infrastructure of the company. Active directory accounts, Exchange mailboxes, SharePoint permissions, etc. Did multiple projects for external clients, including a failover SQL Cluster hosting a ticket issuing application for several soccer stadiums Archer Daniels Midland

