Summary I have accomplished my four-year term and attained my Bachelors of Arts Degree in Computer Technology Homeland Security, also finalized my four-year College acquiring my Associates of Arts Degree, and completed and obtained my High School Diploma. I am a fast productive well-adapted proficient learner and soundly adjusted with working individually or as a team. I am also proficient when it comes to multitasking work and communication, for I have demonstrated such experiences in fast paced demanding environments, ranging from past jobs to school projects where both activities were compulsory. I believe in the standards in which working smarter not harder leads to a self satisfied achievement in which produces a robust structure focused on facilitating barriers that arise in working environments as formalized and beneficial to a company as possible. I have successfully concluded my requirements for my major at CSUDH and I am eagerly and actively seeking an opportunity for a full-time permanent employment relevant to Computer Technology in Homeland Security.


Job Skills
