SUMMARY PROFILE Served in the military for over 26 years. Assigned to various medical treatment facilities as Head of Materials Management Department responsible for procuring and delivering required medical and non-medical products and services for the treatment facilities. Worked as Contracting Officer, Supply Officer, Health Care Administrator, and Finance Director. Managed and supervised over 100 acquisition personnel, contract analysts, voucher examiners, store keepers, warehousemen, accounting technicians, medical repair technicians, and other non-medical personnel. Assigned to the Navy Bureau of Medicine & Surgery under Chief of Logistics as a contract analyst and responsible for managing medical logistics policy and guidance for Navy Medicine. Assigned as Administrative Officer of Rapidly Medical Deployable Team responsible for ensuring upkeep of various Authorized Medical/Dental Allowance Lists (AMALs/ADALs). Managed supply chain process for various delivery orders awarded under various Government contract vehicles such as General Services Administration (GSA) and the Veterans Administration (VA) - from inception of requirements to receipt, delivery and payment. In the private sector, worked for various government contractors as marketing director, project/program manager, and senior manager providing program management support, healthcare, and administrative and office support services. Worked as an IT contract manager at the University of Maryland Medical System.

