Occupation:Self-enrichment Instructor |
Location:Bensenville, IL |
Education Level:Master |
Will Relocate:YES |
Career Summary Facilitator Job Search Training Classes, Center for Strategic Solutions, May, 2016 - Present. Facilitate and coach job hunters in the use of job search tools and the methods of successful job searching. Human Services Caseworker, State of Illinois, Department of Human Services, Train recipients of state administered financial and medical help programs to understand the structure and access points of the program and determine the need for and level of aid received by the application of agency policy. Intentional Interim Pastor, St. John Lutheran Church, 2013 to Present. Hired to manage congregation in industrial area to work toward mission accomplished. Created and delivered training and education programs to all ages. Taught religious and history courses. Test Evaluator, McGraw Hill, 2007. Evaluated standardized tests in math and science for the State of Indiana. Used online reading tools and scoring system. Intentional Interim Pastor, Immanuel Lutheran Ministries, 2005 to 2006. Stepped in to help school and resolved conflicts between the Church and school boards. Delivered leadership training to adults, taught in school as needed, and supported child care unit. Managed staff of 15. Intentional Interim Pastor, Congregations of Northern Illinois District, 1998 to 2006. Provided transition leadership for congregations who have lost their pastors. Facilitate conflict resolution, leadership and outreach training. Led staff of up to 25. Earlier: Chaplain, Manor Care Elk Grove Village Vacancy Pastor, various LCMS Congregations in Chicago Librarian, Broadview Public Library, Triton College.

