PROFILE I am a Federal executive scientist with over 28 years of expertise in the area of public health administration, infectious disease research, biological defense analysis and counterbioterrorism work. I have led efforts ranging from managing a military research laboratory/research program for the Army up to developing and leading programs that were multidisciplinary in nature and far reaching in scope. I have proven my abilities as a coalition builder and results oriented leader who has worked to reduce biological attack vulnerabilities within both the Defense and Homeland Security enterprises. I use my accumulated skill set attained during Federal service and graduate education to integrate Department of Defense and Department of Homeland Security efforts in the area of biological defense with complementary efforts in infectious disease detection to support the warfighter as well as civil biosecurity needs. I have worked extensively in the areas of: * strategic planning and analysis * counter biological weapons proliferation * program development/management * interagency collaboration/coordination * biological threat characterization * scientific review * diagnostic technology development * intelligence analysis for biodefense * basic research * tutoring professionals and publishing RELEVENT WORK EXPERIENCE Senior Scientist for Biological Programs October 2014 - present ST0403- Department of Homeland Security, Science and Technology Directorate, Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency, 1120 Vermont Avenue, Washington, DC 20528 Supervisor- Dr. Patrick Carrick 202-254-2392 Salary $168,432 In this position I led the development of an integrated biodefense program to support the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). I developed the DHS Biodefense Framework and led the DHS Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) input into the National Biodefense Strategy. My efforts led to reduction of duplicative programs and leveraging of complementary programs in the Department of Defense to increase productivity while reducing costs of related programs. I provided scientific leadership in the areas of threat characterization, biological forensics and diagnostics development to staff within the DHS Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency (HSARPA). Accomplishments to date - * Led a diverse team in the development of the strategic plan for the Chemical and Biological Defense (CBD) program at DHS. * Led the development of the framework for DoD-DHS collaboration on biosurveillance technologies and programs. * Developed joint projects in biodetection and biosurveillance to integrate DoD and DHS chemical and biological defense efforts to leverage investments and build a better biological defense enterprise that includes standardized testing protocols, integrated biosensors and hand held identification capability. * Wrote technology development strategies in the areas of advanced threat characterization and biosensor development. * Authored the DHS Biodefense Framework document and co-authored the first ever National Biodefense Strategy. * Critically reviewed $100M+ DHS CBD portfolio and restructured programs, when appropriate, to improve science quality and maximize return on investment for research dollars. Biosurveillance Liaison and Laboratory Consultant September 2011 - September 2014 ST0403- Department of Defense Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center, 11800 Tech Road, Silver Spring, MD 20904 Supervisor- Dr. Julie Pavlin 301-319-3246 Salary $153,365 As the liaison, I led the interaction of the Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center (AFHSC) with the three armed service's laboratory communities. In this position, I provided technical leadership to senior Department of Defense (DoD) officials on research and laboratory testing for infectious diseases. My efforts resulted in the modernization of the DoD biorepository to support disease investigations using new scientific technologies into the future. I led an interagency team in the integration of biosurveillance programs across DoD and DHS to support the National Strategy for Biosurveillance. Accomplishments to date - * Led a diverse team in the development of the strategic plan for the Chemical and Biological Defense (CBD) program at DHS. * Led the development of the framework for DoD-DHS collaboration on biosurveillance technologies and programs. * Developed joint projects in biodetection and biosurveillance to integrate DoD and DHS chemical and biological defense efforts to leverage investments and build a better biological defense enterprise that includes standardized testing protocols, integrated biosensors and hand held identification capability. * Wrote technology development strategies in the areas of advanced threat characterization and biosensor development. * Authored the DHS Biodefense Framework document and co-authored the first ever National Biodefense Strategy. * Critically reviewed $100M+ DHS CBD portfolio and restructured programs, when appropriate, to improve science quality and maximize return on investment for research dollars. Biosurveillance Liaison and Laboratory Consultant September 2011 - September 2014 ST0403- Department of Defense Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center, 11800 Tech Road, Silver Spring, MD 20904 Supervisor- Dr. Julie Pavlin 301-319-3246 Salary $153,365 As the liaison, I led the interaction of the Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center (AFHSC) with the three armed service's laboratory communities. In this position, I provided technical leadership to senior Department of Defense (DoD) officials on research and laboratory testing for infectious diseases. My efforts resulted in the modernization of the DoD biorepository to support disease investigations using new scientific technologies into the future. I led an interagency team in the integration of biosurveillance programs across DoD and DHS to support the National Strategy for Biosurveillance. Accomplishments- * Led a diverse team in assessing military service member exposure to environmental chemicals and biologicals. This effort has reduced health care costs within the $51B/year DoD health care program. * Organized and led an interagency team to provide a robust enduring national capability for bio-event recognition, characterization and response. * Negotiated a Memorandum of Understanding to provide a framework for collaboration within DoD to integrate public health assets and chemical and biological defense programs to enhance the departmental biosurveillance enterprise. * Authored the DoD Operational Plan that enhanced readiness and reduced cost by integration of technologies within the biosurveillance enterprise leveraging public health and biodefense programs. * Provided leadership to the DoD and represented the AFHSC in development of policies on biosecurity in the area of dual use research to support the national global health security agenda. * Led a diverse team of professionals in developing a DoD-wide resource to identify laboratory assets from anywhere in the world that reduced costs of laboratory testing. Senior Science Advisor for Agriculture Defense October 2009 - September 2011 ST0403- Department of Homeland Security, Science and Technology Directorate, Chemical and Biological Defense Division, 1120 Vermont Avenue, Washington, DC 20528 Supervisor- Dr Randy Long 202-254-5774 Salary $146,130 As the Senior Science Advisor, I led the effort to bring much needed "pen side" diagnostic testing to counter biothreats to United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) high consequence pathogens. Provided scientific leadership to the 55 employees of the Chemical and Biological Defense Division to enhance quality of research and bring mission success. Accomplishments- * Led a diverse team of scientists and support personnel to reduce U.S. technical vulnerability to agroterrorism. I formed and led a coalition between the USDA and commercial livestock producers in the deployment of diagnostic tests to protect the U.S. economy. The tests developed provided a new capability to identify and recover from a high consequence outbreak of infectious disease by allowing pen side analysis of potentially diseased animals. Managed the $12M agriculture screening tools program. * Led Senior Staff with diverse backgrounds in the development of a new national diagnostic testing strategy designated public health actionable assays for certification of commercial agent test kits used to detect and identify high consequence biothreat agents. * Founded and led the new Food Defense Round Table within the DHS S&T directorate to enhance collaboration between U.S. government organizations with the goal of developing an integrated approach to U.S. Food Defense. * Obtained Program Management and Contracting Officer's Technical Representative Certifications enabling me to execute programs of National impact. Liaison and Laboratory Director for the DoD Global Emerging Infections Surveillance and Response System (DoD-GEIS) May 2006 - October 2009 ST0403- Department of Defense Global Emerging Infections Surveillance and Response System, 503 Robert Grant Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20910 Supervisor Dr. Joel Gaydos 410-615-0843 Salary $131,015-139, 326 I directed laboratory strategy development and led the execution of new initiatives within the DoD to integrate clinical infectious disease testing with biological defense capabilities. Closely associated with this effort, I also performed strategic analysis and planning to counter infectious disease pandemics and directed the integration of infectious disease surveillance across the Military Health System (MHS). Accomplishments- * Led the DoD's effort to improve pandemic preparedness by providing testing to forward deployed forces through leveraging Center for Communicable Diseases and Prevention (CDC) investments in the area of influenza diagnostics. Leveraging the CDC effort saved the DoD more than $20M. * Led the development of a strategy and built a coalition to bring forward deployed infectious disease testing to the MHS to support the warfighter. * Led a diverse team of professionals in identification of the source of combat wound infections throughout the MHS to improve patient outcomes and reduce cost of antibiotics by sixty percent. * Conceived of, negotiated and developed a coalition for quick identification of infectious disease outbreaks by establishing an inter-service center of excellence for the identification and characterization of multi-drug resistant bacteria within DoD. * Led the development of the capability to obtain rapid FDA clearance for infectious disease diagnostic tests of military concern. This effort reduced the time for DoD to obtain clearance for a diagnostic test for rare diseases from 2 years down to months or weeks. * Trained military laboratory personnel in methodology to detect rare infectious disease outbreaks. * Led the effort to write and publish the Global Emerging Infections Surveillance and Response System Annual Report for 2006 and 2007. Senior Science Advisor October 2003 - May 2006 ST0403- Department of Homeland Security, Science and Technology Directorate, Chemical and Biological Defense Division, 1120 Vermont Avenue, Washington, DC 20528 Supervisor Dr. Elizabeth George 703-767-7785 Salary $120,000-129,000 I was appointed as the first Senior Scientist of the National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center (NBACC). I led the design of the National Biological Threat Characterization program which included laboratory design, program development and performance parameters for program execution at the NBACC. Accomplishments- * Led a diverse team in development and establishment of the biothreat characterization and forensics programs at the $50M National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center (NBACC) to conduct counter-bioterrorism research within the U.S. government. The NBACC is the only place within the U.S. government that can conduct biothreat and bioforensic characterization within the U.S. government. * Provided guidance in the construction of the $120M NBACC laboratory building. * Led the strategic plan for the first 5 years of the National Threat Characterization program. * Guided the first National Biothreat Risk Assessment and Material Threat Assessments to prioritize U.S. government investment in defense. * Directed a BSL3 research laboratory conducting biothreat research as one of only two laboratories to support national needs in biothreat characterization and forensic analysis. Supervised a diverse group of 20 laboratory employees with all levels of graduate degrees in different fields and from different backgrounds. Worked with laboratory staff to prepare 7 peer review publications during this timeframe. Managed an annual laboratory budget of approximately $3M. * Led the effort with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention to develop the first biothreat strain repository for the Department of Homeland Security. * Led the effort by the Food and Drug Administration to develop appropriate animal models for pneumonic plague infection to support National countermeasure development. Research Microbiologist June 1989 - October 2003 GS12-GS14 0403 - Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, 503 Robert Grant Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20910. Supervisor Dr. Wendell Zollinger retired Salary $32,000-$100,000 I directed a multidiscipline research organization for the Army at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research focused on the study of bacterial biothreat agents. My duties included hiring/mentoring of personnel, obtaining and managing funding as well as operation of the laboratory. My research budget progressed from $360k/year to approximately $2M/year. Accomplishments- * Built a diverse team of scientists to reduce the vulnerability of U.S. to the high consequence biothreat Yersinia pestis (plague). * Led a diverse team of scientists in the development of technical methodologies to identify the source of combat wound infections. This effort resulted in public health countermeasures that significantly reduced the number of infections resulting in improved patient outcomes and reduced medical costs to DoD. * Developed a strategy and countermeasures to reduce National vulnerabilities to genetically engineered biothreats. Patented biothreat components that were used for countermeasure development. * Edited the first book on counter-bioterrorism used in classrooms around the U.S. * Authored 58 publications throughout my career many of which were written with subordinate employees. Gave 27 invited presentations and wrote 16 reviews. * Directed from 1 to 7 employees all with advanced degrees and from diverse backgrounds. Mentored two graduate students and one postdoctoral fellow. * Served as acting Department of Bacterial Diseases Chief in my supervisor's absence. Medical Technologist June 1978 - August 1980 Iredell Memorial Hospital, Statesville, NC. Supervisor Judy Paris Salary $18,000 Duties- I was a general Medical Technologist at the Iredell Memorial Hospital in Statesville, NC. My duties included microbiology, hematology, blood bank and chemistry.

