Qualifications Capable of writing and speaking conversational Spanish in many capacities. Effectively and actively recruited several qualified police candidates exceeding required expectations. Excellent and proven interpersonal and people skills. Excellent physical health, impeccable personal and professional appearance, and attitude. Capable of speaking limited conversational Spanish, Korean and German. State of Colorado trained Crisis Intervention Team Training and Instructor for law enforcement officers. FBI Crisis Negotiator Course. State of Tennessee Department of Education Teaching Credential Licensure in Protective Services. US Department of Homeland Security (FEMA) Emergency Management Institute National Incident Management System (IS, 100, 200, 300, 400, 700, 800, 890, 891, ) (NIMS) an Introduction of Homeland Security. US Department of Homeland Security US Army Toxic Chemical Training Course for Medical and Law Enforcement Personnel. US Army Master Physical Fitness Training Instructor. State of Colorado Forensic Epidemiology Course. Completed the Colorado Regional Community Policing Institute course in Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED), 16 hours. US Department of Justice in conjunction with the Office for Domestic Preparedness and Community Oriented Policing Services Terrorism & Weapons of Mass Destruction Training. US Army Criminal Investigation Division (CID) Program Course MP1009A. US Amy Military Police Criminalistics Course MP1012C. US Army Military Police Reports and Forms Course MP1006B. US Army Military Police Crime Scene Processing Course MP1013B. US Army Intelligence Fundamentals Course IS3002. US Army Threat Capabilities Course IS 8705. US Army Introduction to Electronic Warfare SS0010. US Army Logistics Management College, Logistics Management Development Certified. US Army Logistics Management College, Defense Reutilization and Marketing System (DRMO). US Navy MR 3&2 Course 82204. State of Tennessee Police Officer Standards and Training Commission Certification #07-283. State of Colorado Police Officer Standards and Training Commission Certification #B4024. Certified Police Instructor trained and experienced in course development. Domestic Violence Expert and trainer for law enforcement. Developed and authored law enforcement Spanish help sheet for patrol officers. Several successful Lo Jack vehicle recoveries as a law enforcement officer. PR-24 Certified Expandable Police Baton Instructor. Expert Trainer in Youth and Street Gangs and for criminal justice and education personnel. Annual law enforcement/criminal justice facilitator/presenter at Annual African American Youth Conference held at Colorado College. Window Tint Meter instructor. 2000 Caliber Press Street Survival Course for Law Enforcement Officer. Documented and proven investigative skills. Former Fraud Investigator. Highway Drug Interdiction Officer Participant. Competed in the White House Fellowship Program as a military enlisted member. Facilitator for criminal justice members in Crisis Intervention Training Programs in a criminal justice capacity. Excellent verbal, written, and public speaking abilities. Military weapons trainer and expert. Former military leadership academy instructor. US Army Wheeled Drivers Award 10,000 miles accident free. Department of Defense trained in fixed and rotary winged military aircraft recognition and security. Department of Defense trained in flight line and anti-high jacking security techniques. Highly trained in response to active gunman response in educational and multiple environments. Completed over 300 hours as a volunteer youth sports coach, and mentor for at risk youth. Documented and proven results oriented leadership performance of over 20 years. Former State of Tennessee Teaching License for Protective Services. Former State of Tennessee Alternative A Teaching License K-6 (499). Active participant in the Troops to Teacher Program. Wicklander-Pulaski & Associates Child Abuse & Interview/Interrogation Techniques, 28 hours. Completed FEMA Emergency Management Professional Course Conducted Liquor Enforcement an Officer. Extensive knowledge in weaponry, laws, directives, programs, policies, and procedures governing police activities, weapon system and resource security, anti-terrorism law enforcement and investigations, military working dog function, and air base defense. Qualified Department of Defense Law Enforcement Officer (Retired) and credentialed under 926C of Title 18, United States Code LEOSA to carry concealed nationwide.

Work Experience
State Of Tennessee Emergency Management Agency (Tema) | Operations Officer Iii (Supervisor) | 8/2011 - 8/2015 |
Itt Technical Institute | Adjunct Criminal Justice Instructor | 12/2010 - 7/2016 |
Tennessee Department Of Children's Service | Child Protective Services Case Manager Investigator Assessment | 9/2007 - 8/2011 |
Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools | Interim Teacher (K 6) | 2/2007 - 5/2007 |
Tennessee State University Police Department | Sworn Police Officer | 11/2006 - 10/2009 |
Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools | Substitute Teacher (K 12) | 9/2006 - 2/2007 |
St. Vincent De Paul Catholic School | Physical Education And Health Teacher | 8/2006 - 2/2007 |
Colorado Springs Police Department Life Saving Award. | By Lieutenant Governor Of The State Of Colorado For Valor | 1/2001 - 1/2001 |
City | Sworn Police Officer, Active Recruiter | 3/1997 - 2/2006 |
(Confidential) | Rehabilitation Center Smyrna Residential Life Supervisor | / - Present |

