Petroleum Engineer, specialist in Drilling, Completion and Repair of Wells, Deposits and productivity of wells with 28 years of experience in the international oil industry in the following areas: Consultant engineer and specialist in Drilling of the Exploration Project Development Management. Pemex Cd Carmen. Horizontal extended radio well design of the Xikin and Uchbal fields. VCDE: Teekit field type well design, operational window, coating design, drilling fluid, cementation, cost analysis. Active North Beach. Cd Carmen. Mexico. Eng. Consultant and Specialist in Drilling and Well Completion, for the recovery and activation of Campo Rucio Viejo-Jusepín, state of Monagas Venezuela, associated with 7300 BNPD. Generation activity of opportunities for reactivation and generation of proposals, economic technician. Eng. Drilling Specialist in "Reliability, Risk, Drilling Costs for the generation of the Competency Model of the Drilling and Well Completion area for the SDCA, " included Process Analysis, Competency Selection, Competency Profile Design, definition of new competences, development of competency dictionaries, learning maps and training solutions for the Tsimin-Xux, Ayatsil-Tekel, Lakach projects. CMTR Leader (Real Time Monitoring Center) of the AECSM (Active Exploration Cuenca Sur Marina), Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche, Mexico. Manager (E) U.N. Venezuela-Repsol: PetroQuiriquire (Oriente.Occidente), Quiriquire Gas, PetroCarabobo. Senior Engineer Drilling: Quiriquire Gas, PetroCarabobo. VCDE Application Carabobo-I Block Project Orinoco Oil Belt. CICSA (Repsol). Senior Drilling and Workover Engineer. Drilling Management U.N. Venezuela Repsol. Senior Engineer Drilling Unconventional Wells Unit of the Cantarell Asset. Gulf of Mexico Landmark / Pemex. VCD Participation Senior Drilling Engineer, Risk and Opportunity Measurement in Behr Springs assets, San Jorge Basin, as Landmark / Repsol Engineering and Drilling Engineering Coordinator, Projects: La Paulina Thermal LIC, Alba-Valle Infill Drilling, La Carolina Advanced Wells in Chubut Argentina. Senior Drilling Engineer (landmark): Well design, vertical directional verticals, Cantarell Active Well Repair. Gulf of Mexico Pemex. Basic Engineering / Detail. Multilateral Wells, Cantarell Asset. Pemex VCD Exploratory Wells of Assets Five Presidents, Bellota Jujo (CBM) .México. Drilling Engineering Exploratory Well Design Bloque Tiznado Barbacoas. Design (Pluspetrol de Venezuela S.A). Drilling Engineering Design of horizontal wells (cluster), Supervisor Ing. Sinovensa Oils Fuels, Reservoir Engineering. Engineer of Termination and Rehabilitation of wells (Extra Heavy, Heavy, Medium Crude) Oriental Basin of Venezuela, PDVSA. Design and Development for drilling and Termination of horizontal, directional, vertical wells (cluster) in the Orinoco Belt. Selection of new heavy crude technologies for new locations and RARC (sand-oil forcing, internal gravel and open hole packaging, steam and gas injection completion, repairs, sidetrack, stimulation). Personnel management, drilling of the first Multilateral reentry. Multilateral wells level 3. Repair of sand wells vertically and horizontally. PDVSA. Programming of Drilling, Completion and Repair well operations. Planning and execution of programmed wells including preparation and technical-economic evaluation of the bids. Provide guidance for efficient logistics and forecasting of materials for drilling and / or workover projects. Preparation and control of AFE's (Authorization for Expenditures). Preparation of drilling, completion, rehabilitation, control and daily operational monitoring of project execution, cost control and drilling times. Visualization of opportunities to improve operations. Apply best practices and international standards in operations. Relations with the contractors and internal clients, administration of contracts for the drilling services of the projects, and closing them, in compliance with the safety and environmental policies. Advise administrators on drilling and work over projects. Keep the Division Chief of Drilling and Work Over informed of any abnormality and / or incident that occurs during the course of operations, issuing pertinent recommendations. TECHNICAL HIGHLIGHTS AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS * Design and development competency profiles in the execution of drilling activities, completion and repair and maintenance of wells for Lakach, Ayatsil- Tekel and Tsimin-XUX project. For Pemex- Mexico. * Design and development competency profiles in the execution of drilling activities, completion and repair and maintenance of wells for Lakach, Ayatsil- Tekel and Tsimin-XUX project. For Pemex- Mexico. of drilling, completion and repair of wells. Oilfield Group, (Petroindependencia) Venezuela Consultor Drilling Engineer (Nov 2015 - Dec 2015) Technical Limited, FEL (VCD), Designer Well planning of 3 cluster of 21 wells each one. Visualization, Conceptualization and Project Definition. Outstanding experience of participation in a multidisciplinary team focused on planning, designing, logistic coordination, monitoring and operational drilling control, completion and well testing C.V.E. Villahermosa. Mexico Drilling Engineer Specialist. September 2014 - March 2015 Execution Profiler Development Drilling and completion of wells for SDCA, Projects Tsimin-Xux, Ayatsil-Tekel, Lakach * Technical coordination specialty drilling, completion, repair and maintenance of wells, terrestrial, marine shallow water and deep water. * Information gathering support for processes, threads, and implementing powers drilling, completion and workover Pemex, (Landmark). Carmen City Campeche state. México Consultor Senior Drilling Designer Engineer (June 2013 - December 2013) Real Time Operations Leader in exploration Wells Chac-1001, Yaxche-301, Keluk-1, Nak-1001, Xikín-1, Tsimín 3 DL, Batsil-1, kayab-101, tson-301, Tlacame-1, Cheek-1001 in Cuenca Sur Marina Field. Experience in shaping and participating in multidisciplinary teams oriented to planning, design and monitoring of drilling vertical, directional. Design, operational monitoring, technical and economic HPHT drilling deep wells, vertical type and and 6700 m depth developed in the Jurassic Kimmeridiano formations) MPD equipment in high pressure areas. Repsol Venezuela Senior Drilling Engineer (January 2009 June 2013 Participation in the design, operational monitoring, technical and economic drilling, vertical, horizontal and directional wells Well Construction, Well Intervention, Well Abandonment, Contracting Process, Contracting Strategy, Invitation to Tender Stratigraphic, Slant and Development Horizontal Wells campaign Carabobo Field heavy Oil (Faja Petrolifera del Orinoco, coordination, monitoring and operational workover control, completion and well testing. Workover Designer Campaign in Quirquire field, abandonment wells Pemex, (Landmark) México Consultor Senior Drilling Designer Engineer (September 2008 - December 2008) Visualization, Conceptualization and Project Definition: Outstanding experience of participation in a multidisciplinary team focused on planning, designing, logistic coordination, monitoring and operational drilling control to no conventional wells designer. Monitoring, supervision and development of programs for deep wells drilling (HPHT) Repsol YPF, (Landmark) Argentina Consultor Senior Drilling Designer Engineer (June 2007 - Sept 2008) Visualization, Conceptualization and Project Definition: Outstanding experience of participation in a multidisciplinary team focused on planning, designing, to steam injection wells conventional vertical and directional wells designer, Integral study in mature field Manantiales Behr. Pemex, (Landmark) México Consultor Senior Drilling Designer Engineer January 2007 - June 2007) Visualization, Conceptualization and Project Definition: Planning, Design, Trajectory and Operations Engineer in Well Exploration Construction area. Well Engineering for the Mesozoic Project. For the southern region of Mexico Pemex, (Landmark) México Consultor Senior Workover Engineer (September 2006 - December 2006 ) Completion, workover and superficial wells Designer and operations daily update recovery, Completion and Repair wells. Pemex, (CBM) México Consultor Drilling Engineer (March 2006 - July 2006) Visualization, Conceptualization and Project Definition: Planning, Design, Trajectory and Operations Engineer in Well Exploration, Technical Limited, Designer Well planning. PLUSPETROL, Venezuela Consultor Drilling Engineer (November 2005 to March 2006) Designer Well planning. Exploration wells, Tiznado and Barbacoas Block. Guarico state Venezuela ORIFUELS SINOVEN, S.A MorichaL, Venezuela Senior Drilling Engineer supervisor in heavy oil Crude (May November- 2005 Designer and Well planning and supervisor Horizontal wells (12 cluster (12 wells each one), Water Injection wells, Cerro Negro Field in heavy oil Crude. SMS C.A Maturín, Venezuela Senior Drilling Engineer Consultant Jun 2004 - Oct 2004) Designer and Well planning. Horizontal wells, directional wells to Quiriquire Somero Field. REPSOL PDVSA &P, Maturín, Venezuela Senior Reservoir Engineer Heavy oil crude (8°-12° API) in Traditional Areas and Faja Petrolifera del Orinoco (Mar. 1998 - Dec. 2.002) Reservoir management (8°-12° API) in Traditional Areas and Faja Petrolifera del Orinoco other skills, include pressure transient analysis, reserves calculations, log correlation, material balance calculations and horizontal well drainage area, production/pressure behavior, production geology, development projects (well planning, well tests, pressure test abandonment wells). Experience in integration of geological and reservoir engineering data in unconsolidated sands. Lagoven S.A Filial of PDVSA Completion and Workover Engineer Coordinator Heavy oil crude (8°-12° API) in Traditional Areas and Faja Petrolifera del Orinoco ( Mar 1997 Mar 1998 Workover Designer Engineer mature field Heavy oil crude (8°-12° API) with Rig and without Rig, Fracturing, Stimulation, Wirelines, Coiled Tubing, WellVac Sand vac, gravel pack, steam injection in unconsolidated sands and heavy oil, horizontal and reentries repair wells Lagoven S.A Filial of PDVSA Workover Engineer/ OPERATIONS ENGINEER (Jun. 1994 - Mar 1997 Completion designer wells, Coiled Tubing, Cementing, Cased and Open hole logging, Production Operations, Wire line & Slick line operations, Sand Control, Formation Damage Control, Gravel Pack in open hole. Water control, Schedule Rig. Well services. Workover, Gravel Packing. Sand oil Squeeze. Cementing, acidizing treatment, packers setting, casing shooting designer, cased and open holes logging. well service programming, production control, tours programming Stimulation Lagoven S.A Filial of PDVSA Junior Drilling Engineer Heavy oil crude in Traditional Areas and Faja Petrolifera del Orinoco (Dec 1990 Jun. 1994) Casing design, well planning. Vertical and Horizontal wells, reentry horizontal wells, multibranch wells abilities: engineer studies, field development planning. Running casing cementing, logging, MWD/LWD. Jobs performed for Lagoven S.A Filial of PDVSA. EGEP Consultores Engineer Assistant (August December 1990) Dación Field (CORPOVEN) study and optimization. OIL INDUSTRY TRAINING March- 2011

Work Experience

Houston texas USA | ogci training | 2002 | Master Degree |
not provided | Integrate Productivity Methodology, CIED PDVSA, Venezuela | 2001 | Master Degree |
not provided | Aug | 2001 | Master Degree |
Universidad Central de Venezuela | Engineer | 1991 | Master Degree |

